This is my modified Fire Rush deck. This deck is useful inside of PvP. The only Decks that can beat this deck are oty decks because of the otys ability to devour your creature. here are the decks cards. The cremation card is just an upgraded immolation.
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How To Aquire The CardsThe first thing you need to do is start with the fire mark because you will have most of the cards you need. Sell the water cards because they are unnecessary. then do the quests until you get to the quest that tells you to get 150 score. this is the time to sell the cards that you dont need in your deck and buy the cards i have specified. i have not tested it but you should have close to enough. If you do not have enough skip the phoenixes for now and buy them later. You will also need to pay 100 coins to metamorphosis into an earth mark.
How To Play The DeckWhat you need to do is use your immolation on your photons that way you can play cards fast. the immolation will give you 7 fire quantums and 1 of every other quantum. the first card you will want to put down is a lava golem and then grow it. phoenixes can be used in addition to photons if one is not available for sacrificing because you can always rebirth it. Whenever they put down a shield or a weapon deflagration it. if you get one on the first turn you can kill there pillar and put down a lava golem. there are many ways to improve this deck which i might go into later