Round 9 PairingsPlay the opponent across from you. It is recommended that you send a private message to your opponent, in order to schedule a time to play. You may click their name to go to their profile. Rules can be found
here, and the full brackets can be found
here.Round 9 has ended.Round 9 LoreYou know, we could have some fun. I always like to make new friends.
The few remaining Vampires are the final hope of stopping Lucifer, but internal conflicts tear at their unity.
Odii Odsen: At last, I’ve tracked you down. The Vampire gone mad. I will tear you into shreds.
chrispybacon84 Oh, don’t act like you have the moral high ground. How do you plan on stopping me from killing Vampires?
chrispybacon84 By killing me, right? By killing one of your own kind, just like I did. The exact same crime.
Odii Odsen: I... never thought of it that way.
chrispybacon84 Who are we to determine morality? What gives us the authority?
chrispybacon84 For what reasons, under what circumstances, could anyone possibly determine right from wrong?
chrispybacon84 When man first looked up towards the sky, was he not met by an infinite unknown?
(chrispybacon84 gazes at the stars)
chrispybacon84 Is anything in the universe real? The monsters I’ve killed, do they even exist?
chrispybacon84 And what of my own existence? My very identity, the sum of my experiences, could be a mere fabrication.
chrispybacon84 When all of existence, if there even is anything that exists, is unknown and unknowable, can anyone even think anything with certainty?
Odii Odsen: I’m pretty certain I still want to kill you.
(Odii Odsen tears chrispybacon84 to shreds.)