Round 8 PairingsPlay the opponent across from you. It is recommended that you send a private message to your opponent, in order to schedule a time to play. You may click their name to go to their profile. Rules can be found
here, and the full brackets can be found
here.Round 8 has ended.Round 8 LoreLife is small. Meagre. Messy.
Lucifer awakens.
iancudorinmarian: Hey, you’re that Vampire who killed my son!
chrispybacon84 It was an accident, I swear! I thought it was a Vampire.
chrispybacon84 Wait, how do you have a son?
iancudorinmarian: And why were you trying to kill a fellow Vampire?
chrispybacon84 You answer first.
Aves: Pretty impressive, making that Reaper and Shapeshifter just disappear.
worldwideweb3: It wasn’t much. They were merely teleported a short distance away.
Aves: Angels don’t have that sort of power, not telekinetically. There has to be a physical connection.
worldwideweb3: I am no ordinary Angel. I’m a Seraph.
Aves: I have it on good word that all the Seraphim were killed off by Lucifer.
worldwideweb3: And what would you know about Lucifer?
iancudorinmarian: Shapeshifters are not converted; we’re born like this. My father was a Shapeshifter as well.
chrispybacon84 And your mother?
iancudorinmarian: Human, obviously.
chrispybacon84 Did she know your father was a Shapeshifter?
iancudorinmarian: Of course not.
chrispybacon84 That sounds morally questionable.
iancudorinmarian: Moreso than killing your own species?
Aves: From what I’ve heard, Lucifer has already found his vessel.
worldwideweb3: I’m sure we can let things play their course.
Aves: What is it with you, anyways? Ever since Lucifer was released, you’ve been talking about how we shouldn’t fight him.
Aves: Then you pull that stunt on that Reaper and Shapeshifter? Not even a Seraph has that kind of power.
Aves: It’s you, isn’t it? You’re Lucifer.
worldwideweb3: I’ll never lie to you. The answer is yes.
chrispybacon84 The Vampires - they were going to steal all my food!
iancudorinmarian: There are seven billion humans and literally three Vampires.
chrispybacon84 I know, right? Good thing it isn’t four!
iancudorinmarian: You’re insane. I’m going to finish you once and for all.
(iancudorinmarian tries to choke chrispybacon84, who is wearing a SILVER NECK BRACE. Iancudorinmarian dies.)
worldwideweb3: This body, here, it used to belong to a Seraph. But when I noticed how powerful it could be...
Aves: You killed the Seraph and claimed it for yourself. And now you’ve come for me.
worldwideweb3: Oh, I’m not here to kill you. I have a much bigger prize in mind.
Aves: Michael, your Archangel brother.
worldwideweb3: Exactly. In due time, Michael will take control of your body, much like I have done to this one.
worldwideweb3: And then, the fight for humanity begins. The battle of Hell versus Heaven.
worldwideweb3: In the meantime, I have no use for you. Farewell, for now.
(worldwideweb3 snaps his fingers, and Aves disappears.)