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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389920#msg389920
« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2011, 07:10:53 pm »
Dragons are usually good examples. (possibly excluding Colossal and definitely excluding Massive at this time.)

Since I also want to use this thread to investigate Elemental character, I would prefer to exclude off element cards. However you have a very important point. Please use in element analogues when possible.

So my only question is, why do all the elements need to be "complete"? Should I move this discussion to a different topic?
We can discuss this here as well. To start I will try to define better what I think each element should have and why.

Solid Offense: Each element should have a set of reasonably competent win conditions. This makes mono decks with loyal marks possible in the metagame.
Solid Defense: Each element should have an answer to each type of threat. Answers vary drastically from Removal (Hard CC or PC) to Mitigation (Healing, DR, Failure Chance). In short Solid Defense allows a game to continue instead of being as inevitable as Rock Paper Scissors. This has the added effect of allowing players to vary the Offense/Defense ratio of their deck to match many different strategies from Blind Rush to Deckout Stall.
Evasion: I personally do not like when a game becomes inevitable too soon. If a Defense can completely negate the other player's Offense then the game becomes inevitable too soon for my tastes. For this reason I believe each Element that is faced with this dilemma should have internal access to an Answer to the Defense. Evasion usually takes the form of alternative avenues of attack or direct answers (from Removal to Mitigation) to the source of the defense.

It is important that these methods be diverse. However you can get extremely diverse with answers (Lightning and Heal are both answers to Crimson Dragon. Aether does not need Healing nor does Life need Damage CC)
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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389924#msg389924
« Reply #37 on: September 06, 2011, 07:15:07 pm »
I made this table, showing if element has solid offense (imho, of course) and what card achieve it.

:aetherPhase Dragons, +Recluses for upped: poor unupped, medium upped
:airWyrms, Dragons, Skyblitz, Dives, Animate Weapons: nice
:darknessDragons, Gargoyles, Eclipses, Drain Life: nice
:deathDragons, Mummys, Vultures, Poison, Arsenic +Recluses for upped: good
:earthShriekers and Dragons: not bad?
(not counting graboids)
:entropyAbominations, Dragons, +Chaos power for upped: poor unupped, medium upped
 (not counting lycanthropes)
:firePhoenixes, Dragons, Fire spirits, Fire Lances: poweful
:gravityChargers, Dragons, Momentums, Accelerations, Titans: good
:lifeFrogs, Cockatrices, Dragons, Mitosis, Adrenaline: good
:lightDragons, Archangels (only upped), Blessings, Morning Star|Glory: poor unupped, medium upped
:timeDragons, Scarabs,Ghosts: medium
(not counting Dune Scorpions, need off-element buffs)
:waterAbyss Crawlers (only upped), Dragons, Ice Lances, ToadFishes|Pufferfishes: medium
Of course i'm sure there are many things wrong, incomplete, etc... but we can discuss them!

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389927#msg389927
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2011, 07:25:03 pm »
I scrolled down to water, didn't see Toadfish on there, saw "Pufferfish (only upped), saw "poor unupped, medium upped", and concluded that I didn't need to read it. :P

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389942#msg389942
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2011, 07:57:45 pm »
I scrolled down to water, didn't see Toadfish on there, saw "Pufferfish (only upped), saw "poor unupped, medium upped", and concluded that I didn't need to read it. :P
Sorry, i had to specify that i did not count cross elements.

EDIT: table modified

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389944#msg389944
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2011, 07:59:40 pm »
I scrolled down to water, didn't see Toadfish on there, saw "Pufferfish (only upped), saw "poor unupped, medium upped", and concluded that I didn't need to read it. :P
Sorry, i had to specify that i did not count cross elements.

EDIT: table modified
Toadfish has 6 attack and costs 5 :water quanta. It has more attack than a gargoyle, and equal attack to gargoyles + eclipse, while costing the same. You don't need to pay any air to make it attack.

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389946#msg389946
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2011, 08:02:30 pm »
I scrolled down to water, didn't see Toadfish on there, saw "Pufferfish (only upped), saw "poor unupped, medium upped", and concluded that I didn't need to read it. :P
Sorry, i had to specify that i did not count cross elements.

EDIT: table modified
Toadfish has 6 attack and costs 5 :water quanta. You don't need to pay any air to make it attack.
You're right, my bad! Updating the table again!

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389949#msg389949
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2011, 08:12:43 pm »
Forgot unstable gas for Air. Also, I'd drop air down to medium, since wyrms suck that much.
vultures need virus/plague, so they're not really that reliable...arsenic is definitely reliable, and poison is just as reliable with/without extra poison. If the opponent has 20 poison counters on him, poison will still make it 22, you're like saying that ash eater isn't solid offense because it needs phoenix to effectively kill the opponent, while ash eater isn't solid solely because it sucks. By the way, I think poison is reliable because, since dragons are up there, we're assuming the opponent doesn't have healing over time, and therefore you can whittle their HP down to 0 with poison as long as they don't have purifies (added reliability from being hard to counter/destroy/mitigate).

Wait. Must "solid offense" things be able to be countered by "solid defense"?

Charger(unupped) and Momentum don't really do much, I'd put gravity in medium too.
A time rush does pretty well because of precognitions, deja vus, and scarabs/ghosts. Also, time nymphs are 1337.

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389964#msg389964
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2011, 08:51:12 pm »
Forgot unstable gas for Air. Also, I'd drop air down to medium, since wyrms suck that much.
vultures need virus/plague, so they're not really that reliable...arsenic is definitely reliable, and poison is just as reliable with/without extra poison. If the opponent has 20 poison counters on him, poison will still make it 22, you're like saying that ash eater isn't solid offense because it needs phoenix to effectively kill the opponent, while ash eater isn't solid solely because it sucks. By the way, I think poison is reliable because, since dragons are up there, we're assuming the opponent doesn't have healing over time, and therefore you can whittle their HP down to 0 with poison as long as they don't have purifies (added reliability from being hard to counter/destroy/mitigate).

Charger(unupped) and Momentum don't really do much, I'd put gravity in medium too.
A time rush does pretty well because of precognitions, deja vus, and scarabs/ghosts. Also, time nymphs are 1337.
I did not count Unstable Gas because it needs  :fire to be activated. Changed  :air to "nice"
I don't know if i have to count Vultures or not. I agree that poison is reliable. Modified cards in  :death
Unupped charger aren't very powerful, but they cannot be blocked by shields, and this sounds solid to me. Same reason for momentum: sure damage. I'll leave  :gravity to good.
About time: deja vus are weak without buffs (and there are no buffs in  :time), scarabs are ok, ghosts are good. I did not count Golden Nymphs because really few players can use 6 of them in a deck. I'll add Scarabs to :time and change it to "medium".

Wait. Must "solid offense" things be able to be countered by "solid defense"?
I'm not sure, but i think that it's not important until we examine defenses in elements.

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389971#msg389971
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2011, 09:05:42 pm »
Oh right, unstable gas needs fire..

A time rush does pretty well because of precognitions, deja vus, and scarabs/ghosts. Also, time nymphs are 1337.
About time: deja vus are weak without buffs (and there are no buffs in  :time), scarabs are ok, ghosts are good. I did not count Golden Nymphs because really few players can use 6 of them in a deck. I'll add Scarabs to :time and change it to "medium".
Deja vus are not too weak, I actually prefer them over scarabs upped. Plus, you're definitely not putting 6 dragons into any rush deck, so why would you need 6 golden nymphs? Oh, and pharaoh should count because of the amount of damage you can create with that one card.

And this leads to me to my next question: do we determine how "solid" it is by how little copies you need to use to kill the opponent or how many counters there are for any number of copies?

Offline OldTreesTopic starter

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389988#msg389988
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2011, 09:59:37 pm »
Thanks TheManuz for your table of Offensive tools for the Offensive Methods. I will build off it to answer one of the other questions.

All have ", Deckout (the free method)" implied but there is no deckout accelerating tools yet.
:aetherMelee (2 variants Phase Dragon or Phase Recluse)
Swarm (1.5 variants Fractal+Spark or Fractal+Phase Recluse)
:airMelee (3 variants Wyrms, Dragons or Animated Owl's Eyes. Skyblitz Augments)
:darknessMelee (2 variants Dragons or Gargoyles. Eclipses Augments)
Spell (1 variant Drain Life)
:deathMelee (5 variants Dragons, Mummys, Vultures or Recluses)
Poison (2 variants Poison or Arsenic)
:earthMelee (2 variants Shriekers or Dragons)
:entropyMelee (2 variants Abominations or Dragons. Chaos Power Augments)
:fireMelee (4 variants Phoenixes, Dragons, Fire spirits or Farhenheit)
Spell (1 variant Fire Lances)
:gravityMelee (3 variants Chargers, Dragons or Acceleration)
:lifeMelee (3 variants Frogs, Cockatrices or Dragons. Adrenaline Augments)
Swarm (1 variant Mitosis. Adrenaline augments)
:lightMelee (3 variants Dragons, Archangels or Crusader. Blessing Augments)
:timeMelee (2 variants Dragons or Ghosts)
Swarm (2 variants Pharaoh or Scarabs)
:waterMelee (3 variants Abyss Crawlers, Dragons or ToadFishes|Pufferfishes)
Spell (1 variant Ice Bolt)
I did not include any weapon without scaling damage or Animate Weapon in element. If you disagree then there would be +1 variant for melee.
I removed Momentum because that is Evasion rather than Offense. You will note that Charger would overlap both categories.
Added Fractal Spark and Fractal Recluse to Aether. Please correct me if you disagree. I do not have much experience with Mono Aether.

A way to measure how Solid an offensive method or tool is: How serious would you be (assuming you are rational) if you commented that your were going to defeat a challenging opponent using that method or tool as your win condition?

Solid Offense does not need to be currently able to be countered by existing Defensive tools.
"It is common sense to listen to the wisdom of the wise. The wise are marked by their readiness to listen to the wisdom of the fool."
"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg389996#msg389996
« Reply #46 on: September 06, 2011, 10:19:45 pm »
OldTrees very big table!
Ok, now it's clear!  :))
I understood what you meant with Offensive Tools. These are archetypes of strategies. Something between a deck-level and a card-level.

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Re: Which elements are "Complete"? https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30640.msg390009#msg390009
« Reply #47 on: September 06, 2011, 10:37:55 pm »
I made a new table, with more info, including counters to other strategies. It may or may not be any good still. Not to mention it no longer fits on the page. I was surprised at all the counters after I started looking.
:underworldHealingSmall Damage
Medium Damage (4-6)Large Damage (7+)Growing DamageIndividual Creature ControlMass Creature ControlRepeatable Creature ControlQuantaDenialBuffPermanent ControlCounter
:entropyAntimatterMicro AbominationAbomination, Discord,LycanthropeChaos SeedPandemoniumMaxwell's DemonNovaDiscordChaos PowerButterfly Effect
:deathPoisonFlesh Recluse, MummyArsenic, Deathstalker, Condor, GraveyardVirus, AflatoxinPlague, Retrovirus, Skull ShieldSoul CatcherBone Wall (PC), Poison (CC)
:gravityBlack HoleMercenaryCharger, Titan, CatapultOtyugh, Acceleration, Fire EaterGravity PullOtyughBlack HoleMomentumDragon, Armagio (damage CC)
:earthStone SkinSteel GolemGraboid, ShriekerBasilisk BloodWardenGnome RiderEarthquakePulverizerProtect Artifact (PC), Shrieker (CC)
:lifeFeral Bond, HealHorned FrogGiant Frog, CockatriceScorpionSpine CarapaceRustlerAdrenalineJade Shield (Bolts, UG, PC), Rustler (Denial)
:fireMinor PhoenixPhoenix, Bolt, FahrenheitLava Golem, Fire SpiritRage PotionFire Shield, Fire StormBrimstone EaterRage PotionExplosionPhoenix(CC)
:waterPurifyUlitharidAbyss Crawler, ToadfishPufferfishFreezeIce Shield,FloodingArctic Squid, UlitharidBolt (weapons only)Purify (Poison)
:lightMiracle, Sanctuary,LuciferinCrusaderArchangel, MorningStarLuciferin, Solar Shield,Ray of LightBlessingMirror Shield (Bolts, Unstable Gas), Sanctuary (Denial), Morning Star (Control),Hope (PC)
:airDamselflyWyrm, Sky BlitzShockwaveUnstable Gas, ThunderstormOwl's EyeDamselflyAnimate Weapon (CC)
:timeScarab, Deja VuGhost of the PastDune Scorpion,PharaohRewindEternityRewindRewind, Eternity (Immolation, Supernova, Graboid, Delayed/ing CC, deckout), Dune Scorpion, Scarab (CC),Sundial (creature damage)
:darknessLiquid Shadow, Nightmare, Siphon Life, Vampire, Vampire DaggerParasite, Minor VampireVampireGargoyleLiquid ShadowParasitePestPest, NightmareEclipseStealGargoyle, Pest (CC), Cloak (Individual Control)
:aetherImmortalPhase RecluseFractal, Parallel UniverseThunderboltLobotomizerSilenceImmortal,Phase Dragon, Quintessence (CC)
:rainbowSoD, SoGDaggerGavel, Bow, Sword

