yeah, I know. I still think its dead on. 6 Other is about right and i think keeping it other is the way to go. Darkness or Entropy are good choices, but really, this feels like an Other kind of action and would benefit Rainbows,, or just any deck fairly easily. 2 QT is about right, or after a few turns of a single element. It fits Other and I think should be balanced accordingly. In theory, its on par with Shard of Focus, in terms of action blocking. Its also similar to Silence. In practice, I think it will be less powerful than SoFo. 6 Other 'feels right'
Looking at 6 in a deck, is twelve turns of Mark Nullification. Thats not really that bad, as compared to say 18 turns of Dim Shield. Different I know. 6 Turns of silence is pretty bad, and 18 perms destroyed from 6 SoFo...
Its a tough call overall on power, but I think it will not be too hard to defeat, people will just carry a pillar or two of their off element instead of relying completely on pendulums, it can diminish Shard of Divinity, Gratitude etc. Its useful, but I dont think its a game breaker.
Really, think about where you would actually use it. Its pretty situational, so even 5, or 4 Other isnt out of possibility.