The Lord knows what people think while in the shower and this time I can frankly admit that it was about Elements the Game, as it normally is.
While brainstorming and inserting random thoughts I came up with the idea of
Turn Triggers.
In the metagame, while stall decks are not always, well are hardly the way to provide the best electrum/minute rate, stall games do provide something, turns. And an effective stall provides many.
What Turn Trigger Cards present is a new mechanic which could eventually develop into a theme of

Time elementals.
Ever since
Elements the Game v1.26 we've been able to see how many turns our match has lasted and this leads me to believe that there is an in-match turn counter. This in-match turn counter can, I would assume, be used as a variable to allow cards to be played.
The following card is an example of a Turn Trigger Card:

Disclaimer: The above card may or may not be balanced. Its sole purpose is to display the Turn Trigger Concept.
Seeing as turns are essentially a way of counting the flow of

Time, with the integration of Turn Trigger Cards,

Time cards may allow Turn Trigger cards to be played earlier or later depending on which way you design the Turn Trigger.
Turn Triggers could allow cards to be played --past-- a certain amount of turns or --before-- a certain amount of turns. Yes, this may could turn into yet another wrinkle in card balancing, but the idea must be brought forth.
Tell me, what do you think?
Discuss. ^_^
Oh, and should this thread inspire you, I would simply ask that credit be payed where it is due. Thank you.