Not card related, but more of logic related.
You can prove "X does not exist" false by showing the existence of X. How do you prove "X does not exist" or "X exists"?
How do we define something as existing?
How come humans are not able to view everything objectively?
"You can prove "X does not exist" false by showing the existence of X. How do you prove "X does not exist" or "X exists"?"
If X is false then X does not exist. "If A then !A. A does not exist."
If !X is false then X does exist. "If !A then A. A does exist."
Depends on the relation between evidence and existence.
If X did exist, would evidence for the existence of X exist? [A]
If X did exist, would evidence against the existence of X exist? [ B]
If X did not exist, would evidence for the existence of X exist? [C]
If X did not exist, would evidence against the existence of X exist? [D]
| Exists | Does not exist |
Evidence for existence | A | C |
Evidence against existence | B | D |
If a row has 2 different values then it provides evidence. (lack of evidence would be evidence of lack in this case)
If a row has 2 copies of the same value then it provides nothing.
"How do we define something as existing? " is a subset of the Philosophic field Metaphysics. It deals with the question "What is being?".
"How come humans are not able to view everything objectively?"
Because we are subjects. We observe
reality through our being. Through empathy we can have an image of how we think someone else sees the reality through their being. However this is still subjective (doubly so: reality through their being and our perceptions of them through our being). The only way to be truly objective would be to see reality without eyes. To perceive reality without the subjective senses of the human form. Even language colors our perception. In the end although the objective reality exists, it cannot be perceived. However when we examine our filters, through our filters or through the double filter of empathy, we can form opinions about how our filters are shaped. is a website that has lots of opinions about mental filters.
My subjective observations about reality lead me to believe that opinions influenced by empathy and study of filters are closer to objective reality.