Hrm... Lycantrope, perhaps, is the closest thing we have to an 'ordinary human' to me, since I consider the

quanta cost the key to 'transforming' into the wolf form.
Lycantrope being another name for 'werewolf'...As far as Gravition Mercenary, Crusader, and any other 'humanoids' I may be missing...There's a good deal of variety in their powers.
skeleton, and for that matter, mummy, are undead creature reanimated by necromantic energies. Mummies specifically, as per their relationship to Pharohs, in that they are the mummified remains of the latter, and skeleton, which is a more general 'reanimated bones'...Ok, got off-topic there.
Anyhow, Lycantrope-1\1 in 'human' form, 6/6 in werewolf form, as the mythos goes, this shows a considerable increase in power.
Mercenary, Crusader, and possibly immortal and pisons, wildly vary in ability: I suspect that good equipment and arms training would enable a human to surpass the baseline 1/1 limit that human strength is worth. The hard part, would be determining how say, a handgun would measure up to say, the savage might of a ruby dragon. There's also seems to be proof that depending on said training/equipment, one could demonstrate abilities that would translate into activatable and passive powers, such as Airborne, or Ranged (if that is in fact a passive ability.) Now, as for what degree is where...I don't know, but I think something we CAN assume is thus:
Normal range of human ability is 1/1.
With abnormally high levels of endurance and strength, one could perhaps rise to be a 2/2.
Armor, if Graviton mercenary is any indication, allows a boost up to 2/5 (this is assuming graviton mercenary is a 'trained' human, as opposed to a normal person in a 'powersuit'.
weaponry...This is the interesting part: our weaponry has advanced in technological scope, but the comparison point is 'Elementals'. Magic may not only even the odds, so to speak, but prove superior and as a result, I don't know how well our 'machine guns' and other such weaponry might compare. As a result...I'd say that barring the use of vehicles, but only going off of a standard infantry, we'd measure out to about...
4/3, ranged passive.
your normal infantryman is used to armor that I'd guess to be about +1 to his native 2/2, and as for the 4 attack...I presume that a machinegun or some other such weapon would indeed allow a decent degree of damage. Of course, without actual factual information on what these 'arbitrary' numbers translate to...I'm really just reaching.