So what should the stats/pricing of it be? I feel the pricing should be around 3-4
and the hp should be near 10. That also brings up the point of what should upping it change about it. More hp? Cheaper casting cost? Higher attack? Some or all of the above?
10 hp, 2|4 attack, cost 5-7
You think 6|5
? Isn't that a bit excessive? That's nearly 2
higher than my initial idea. I could lower the attack, but it's more of meant to act as a protector or guardian, so it's attack isn't that important.
I am assuming that the player will be taking advantage of guardian effect to protect multiple other creatures.
I put those ranges because I am not sure of the pratical strength of the effect. It might be 5
If quint costs 4|3

, this card acts as a psuedoquint for about 2 (you rarely see so many creatures that hexagonal protection would be usefl). A psuedoquint would probably half to 3/4th the cost of a quint to me, and then you double that, and then add on a bit more cost for stats, so I think a 4|3

sounds reasonable. 5|4 as well. Either way, I see cost hovers around 3-5

Now then some actual implementation questions:
What if two guardians both guard a creature and your opponent targets the creature? Who gets hit? The first guardian played?
If two guardians guard protect each other, and your opponent targets one, who gets hit? The first guardian played?
Will there be something like "layers" of protection with each guardian you play?
Maybe also when upped, it gains a bit more attack at a more expensive price. I wanted it to seem like a phalanx, protective yet also able to deal damage. Or the other way around. An expensive phalanx like creature unupped, cheap (like minor phoenix) guardian creature upped?