Hrm...That makes me think of a new series of cards.
Light Aegis.

, costs perhaps about 5-6

quanta Spell
Gives your creatures+0|+X where X is the number of light-emitting creatures.
Wing Blast|Roc Blast.

version 1: 6-10

quanta, possibly even

quanta draining. Spell
Deals Spell damage to your opponent equal to the number of airborne creatures on your side of the field, returns to your hand when played.
Version 2: 5-8

quanta, spell
Deals Spell damage equal to X, where X is the total attack power of your airborne creatures.
Shared Blood|Shared Life:


quanta, permanent
0: siphon: take 5 damage, Life well gets 5 counters.
When a creature dies, it gains counters equal to it's max HP. If you die, Lifewell is destroyed and you gain life equal to the number of counters on Lifewell.
If Lifewell runs out of counters, it is destroyed.
Your thoughts?