As far as a third damage type, something that the

shield Wings brought out was the 'ranged' category. As of right now, it only applies to weapons, due to the act that a creature would simply just have the 'flying' passive.
This, to me, suggests a few card ideas: Something to make the 'Ranged' category more viable, like protection from shields that 'counter' enemy attackers, like how

's shield damages targets-you aren't getting close enough to gete burnt.
Something to make Flying creatures seperate, but a decent alternative to 'Ranged'. As of right now, the only card that interacts with this that I can think of MIGHT (because I don't actually have it yet.) Is

's shard of freedom, and I might be wrong on that.
And last but not least, a 'fairly large' series of 'Ranged' creatures, perhaps focused in the elements that lack flying creatures.
The thing is, this would be a LARGE expansion to the game of elements, and could require extensive re-balancing across the board.