Hp buff
The "all" -> "next"
It is also slowed 1 turn
Finally it is vulnerable to interference.
+ 30|20 stock
+3 cards for 12|3. This is probably close to balanced if not already balanced.
Fractal OTK
The Silence makes it vulnerable to interference.
+ 52 stock
+ 3 cards of 12 in 30 for TTK is probably still to low. However it is not as clearcut as it was before.
Is it impossible to balance both functions of the card just based on cost adjustment ?
If it is impossible, how do you think about this fix ?
Silence yourself this turn, the next damage spell targeted on you becomes creature of N | 0.
N = spell damage.
The new fix does not hamper either aggressive strategy and does remove the weak anti CC usage.
Any cost increase would hinder the OTK more than the Megaspark. (the speed of

produced would drop) So it is theoretically possible to balance those two relative to each other. Although I do not think theory alone is precise enough to determine that cost. (aka contact Emerald Tiger or ZBlader about a playtest)
The main problem is how to buff the anti CC usage along with the aggressive usages. The ideal way would be to weaken the aggressive versions.
Fractal Bolts gains its strength from Fractal returning the spell card. What if fractal returned a creature card instead (see fractal Shard Golem rather than fractal Shard of Integrity)?
Megaspark gains its strength from receiving the full power of bolt spells. (Lightning and Shockwave are not problems) Perhaps the spark has a fraction of the extra damage?
With sufficiently weakened aggressive versions, you could return it from "next" to "all" thus buffing the anti-CC usage.