What is your opinion on this (Regarding its balance etc.)?
1) Elite Immortal gains +1 attack, +1 hp tier for +1 cost. +2 comes with a similar cost increase (See Phase Dragon).
2) A 5|4 Elite Immortal is worth around 6

+ 1 upgrade + 1 card
(I always forget which immaterial creature is the UP one)~= 7.5

+ 1 card unupped.
3) Ghostly flame costs 2

+ Duo + delayed 1 turn + 1 card + 1

per turn.
~= 4

+ 1 card + 1

per turn
It is probably balanced considering it is a rush card and such decks lose if the game goes on too long.
4) This card cannot be used without paying the activation cost. This is suboptimal. Ideally a duo creature could be played either as a mono vanilla creature or as a duo skilled creature.
5) Are you sure the name fits? I usually think Will o Wisps as creatures with weak natural attacks that lure strangers into dangerous areas. Nothing like the Charger stats of this creature.
6) What benefit do you see this providing for Elements?
What are your thoughts on combining physical and spell damage in one card ?,40367.0.html
My initial thoughts were it sounded like a clunky mechanic for partial partial momentum. However the use of Ice Bolt surprised me. In some ways this is a better design for Fahrenheit.

+ Weapon + 1 card + Stock

-> 4 + Physical 2/3 Firebolt

+ 1 card + Stock Fire -> 4 + Physical 2/3 Firebolt

+ 1 card + Stock Fire -> Physical 2/3 Firebolt

+ 1 card + Stock Fire -> Physical Firebolt
A)[Here I estimated physical to spell damage as +17-33% of the non stock quanta cost. The new estimate of 1 card = 2 quanta was used.]

+ 1 card + Stock Fire -> Firebolt

+ 1 card + Stock Water -> Ice Bolt

+ 1 card + Stock Water -> 3 Physical + Ice Bolt

+ Weapon + 1 card + Stock Water -> 3 Physical + Ice Bolt
I would recommend the attack not chage when upgraded but rather the cost drop. 5-6

| 3-5