I really need your professional comments on these cards
Stay | Progress
The mechanic of Stay hasn't settled yet.
Possible new mechanic :
Deal 8 damage.When opponent deck size decreases by 4, reduce damage by 1
I am not sure whether I should stick to the concept that power of Stay depends on opponent's deck or something else
Another possible mechanic :
Damage = current number of creatures on field. But -1 damage when new creature is played
I've already put up a poll to gather opinions but I think I need more analysis before I can make the final decision
So far the focus is on Stay but I also want to know if Progress itself is polished enough
There have been Life weapons before that counted the number of creatures. Having Stay tied to the deck size of the opponent seems to fit Time better. (Time manipulates cards more than it manipulates creatures.)
I see 2 versions of Stay:
1) 5 + X/4 attack [X=opponent deck size]
2) 8 - D/4 attack [D=the number of times the opponent drew reducing their deck size]
Version 1 starts between 10 attack and 18 attack and has a constant drop off until it reaches 5 attack. (prefers facing stalls)
Version 2 starts at 8 attack and has a constant drop off until it reaches -2 attack to -10 attack. (prefers facing rushes)
Balance would be based on the average damage per turn in an average game. Cost = Weapon Slot + 1 Card + Y

. Y = average damage per turn - 4.
Progress works like a Free Ablaze (1 normal draw, 1 hourglass draw). This is comparable with Arsenic's venom however it is easier to use PC than to remove poison.
Arsenic: 2 + (X-1) = X+1
Progress: 0 + (2X-1) = 2X-1