@Ekki (not quotin to shorten post length.)
*i get your point regardin precogs ofc, but as said a good draw provide better "accelleration" than the "max speed" you wud achieve with pillars+shrieker
*i didn said early hourglass is good, i explained why imo its not necessarily heavy, dependin on the startin hand and draws, any nova+graboid+pillars will always beat that ofc. regardin more pillars->previous sentence.
*I said T1 (wich is biggest MTG tournament format), not 1TK, altho most T1=1TK. Anyway, it seems clear to me that i "referenced" that, cause patchx was .."guessin" im not able to understand what "fast deck" 's supposed to be; and statin that is more complex is not rude in any way imo, same reason why it does matter: its a fact, and i state it; like sayn that playng Fifa is more complex than playng Pong/brick/etc.. makin 1TK decks difficulty is about tuning the deck, wich after is you the same to give value to; whether it does hurts game or not, is another argument ^^
*Im not sayn Grabbix is not well tuned or such, maybe it will result to be already the fastets possible anyway, im just tryng to "check" if it is not.
*No, i dont think i got you wrong

. anyway, i must disagree: i dont think im underestimatin Elements; 99% games are related to maths, and simply putted, the higher the number of variables, the more complex the game. comin to cards game, number of variables is mostly related to Number of card types, and Number of cards; so, despite the natural existence of useless cards for wichever goal in any game, any game wich provides more variables get more complex than Elements at deck building.
Sayn this, ofc im not spittin on Elements or such, if im here it means i like and enjoy it, bein it more or less complex than other games i play