Dearest Elements friends,
Hi there, I have been a big fan of this game and I love everything about it
. So when I recently took in our severely autistic cousin for awhile, I started him playing it and he flipping loves it - I made this account for him and he's already went through almost 400 games played! He doesn't really understand many aspects of the game however - I've seen his playstyle and it's "click all the cards at random and end your turn," I help him with his deck and whenever he gets to targeted cards that "break the game" for him he comes and gets me and I "fix" it for him by clicking on whatever target it can go on. Which is fine... I was a very serious Magic: The Gathering player back in my day, so the strategy side of me wants to hammer into him the finer points of the game but when I see how much fun he's having I just let him go about it his way. So in an effort to make it easier on him and make him pretty successful I wanted to create a deck that's as simple as possible. Here's my rough draft (I have that one upgraded card in for now, only because I don't have enough
yet for more.)
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52n 52n 52n 52p 52p 52p 52p 52p 52q 52u 52u 52u 542 542 542 542 5uo 5uq 5uq 5uq 5ut 5ut 5ut 717
I like the fact that it has several win conditions for him, either by poison counters or by mass skeletons with plague ( he doesn't quite get yet how the parasites work...). He can usually beat level 2 (probably about 2/3rds of the time with this one and sometimes 3, he usually plays with 2 or 1.
How can I make his deck better? Or alternatively, do you guys have any other suggestions for simple decks I can give to him? We're not tied to any one element so we're open to anything. Also simple is ok if you want to be simple (I think my deck may be overly complicated...) Keep in mind the limitations his disability puts onto the deck:
1. no targeted abilities or spells.
2. no activated abilities on the creatures (or, I guess I should say that there "can" be, but he won't use them)
3. Simple is fine if successful, but I think he likes to have a diverse board (His face kinda lights up whenever it works out just right where plague kills multiple of their bad guys at once and there are several boneyards up so all the sudden 6 little skeletons pop up!)
Thanks a lot guys, I'm sure my little cousin is going to love what you guys come up with <3