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Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg84202#msg84202
« on: June 06, 2010, 06:30:49 pm »
Well this is a rainbow deck I made, and it works alright most of the time, but I bet it could be better. Some criticism I have had is the fact that it has too much entropy in it. Anything else that I could to to change it or make it better? Any constructive criticism is taken. Thank you!

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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg84371#msg84371
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 09:57:08 pm »
I would upgrade the pillars, just for the extra one quata they give so you can get cards out faster.
[21:47:33] ‹godofdeath500› 5 years and not a single war.
[21:47:45] ‹godofdeath500› I do not live up to my name.


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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg84681#msg84681
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 03:21:47 am »
I'd say definitely upgrade the novas first. 2 guaranteed quanta of every element is equivalent to 23 turns of a quantum tower. Very worth it.

I'd replace the novas with quantum pillars, but if it's working for you, by all means keep doing what you're doing.

Upgrade the otyughs when you can, 5 health is just much more useful. If you have it, replace the golden dragon with a miracle (at least for me, it helped a lot against early rushes and abundant poison counters). You can get all the damage you need from the druid+firefly queen

There's one big problem with your deck: You only have 2 cards that can heal you in 39. You'll draw either the SoG or nymph every ~18 cards, so on average you'll get one of them around your 10th turn. that's very late in the game. You'll be long dead to a fast rush by then.

The solution: First of all, 2 hourglasses, preferably upgraded if at all possible. They make an enormous difference in decks over 30-35 cards, especially in a rainbow that has many parts necessary to function well. Try using a butterfly effect instead of a pulverizer. The otyughs won't compete with it for quanta, your mark can help fuel it, you can use it's effect the turn you play it (provided the creature you're playing it on has been in place since before the start of your turn), and it won't compete with the eternity for space. PLUS, if you add a quintessence, you have have an immortal pulverizor, of sorts, and a protected eternity at the same time.

If you find the maxwell's demon helps a lot, then keep it, but I imagine that a lot of the time it's just a dead card. I don't think you need the novas or demon. Try taking them out, and adding a pillar or three if you're low on quanta.

The sundial's really out of place there. If you draw it early, it would benefit you MUCH more to have drawn an hourglass and be able to get through your deck literally twice as quickly. Your style of rainbow focuses on creating mutants/eating enemy creatures for damage and control respectively, so you need at least four cards (otyugh+quintessence, queen, druid, bonewall) or more (additional quintessences, a boneyard or two) for your basic combo. You'll have to go through a lot of your deck to get them, so try getting rid of extra cards, and replacing them with hourglasses/pillars. You want 2-3 hourglasses and just enough pillars that you can play cards just soon enough, but not too soon, and also (almost) never have to discard a card. make sure to play your deck at least 10, if not 15 or 20 times, before deciding if you're over- or under- producing quanta. It won't show for certain until you've played many games.

Otherwise, a very traditional rainbow. Looks good to me, just try slimming it down a little more. To summarize:
+miracle if you have it, or maybe hope, though I don't think that's a good idea, since you have bone wall, but if it collapses, this will give you a second chance with your queen
+2 to 3 hourglasses
+pillars (to taste)
+shards of gratitude (3 to 4, if you can) or empathetic bonds (2's good). the bonds instead of shards will lower your iwn percentage considerably, since you'll have no way of really healing until you have your firefly queen out, but that's a risk you can choose to take. It will give you elemental masteries the vast majority of the time, when you do win.
+supernovas (4 to 6) as soon as you can. these really really help, since with unupgraded cards in a rainbow, getting that extra 2 quanta lets you get those cards out 2-3 turns earlier.

Hope this helps :)


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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg86079#msg86079
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 10:41:31 pm »
Thank you for all the help! I've already taken your suggestions to the deck. Thanks a bunch :)

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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg87829#msg87829
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 08:26:04 pm »
what opponent are you trying to win against?  its hard to beat lvl 6 FG without upgrades, and people usually avoid lvl 5 due to length of games.  lvl 3 is easy, and you can win with any deck you like (and if lucky pocket some nice rare cards too).

love to help you playtest, just need to know what your opponent is, just in case you meant pvp    :)
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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg87837#msg87837
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2010, 08:36:28 pm »
Upgrade the novas first into supernovas, i'd add 6 for quanta source and reduce your pillar count to about 8 - 10. Next thing you should upgrade are the otyughs, because they get an enormous boost when upgraded. Also, get rid of the dragon. the fallen druid is your main source of damage in the late game, since you will most likely have a few skeletons out that you can mutate into bigger creatures - the dragon is a burden and a wasted card. If you have a miracle, you coudl replace it with that if you want to balance your light quanta. Also, i'd take out the amethyst pillars, and add about 2 electrum hourglasses (really important these are upgraded). This will help you get through your deck more quickly. With the entropy mark, you should have enough quanta to use all your entropy cards, you don't have too much entropy, just nymph and maxwell = 14 + 2 / 4 per use of skill. Nymphs are always expensive though..


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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg88190#msg88190
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2010, 02:47:34 am »
saberioninja: Can you update your original post with the current version of your deck? That way we can see what you've changed first, and thus can advise you as to the best order to continue in adjusting the deck in.


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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg88819#msg88819
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2010, 09:04:55 pm »
ok..get if can get one of each element in there will help


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Re: Need Help With My Rainbow https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=7576.msg88853#msg88853
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2010, 10:08:19 pm »
Yeah, I'll post my updated version right now actually.
Edit: Updated

