This deck is designed to give some of the stall/swarm tactics of Scaredgirl's deck, combined with some immortal and tough creatures, to replicate the strengths of the aether deck. If you don't have a lot of the rares, you may not have much of a chance with it, I don't know. This is the main deck that I'm playing, and am in the process of upgrading it using a modified Scaredgirl's deck to farm gods (I'm not certain enough of this deck's strength to use it against gods just yet!). I'm still playing around with pillars/towers to see how many will work, but around 16 would seem right, maybe one or two fewer in a deck with less than 5-6 morning stars/miracles.
Any weaknesses you can point out are greatly appreciated, but please flame the idea and not the person.
Mark of Light
6x Sundials: Upgraded. Form an approximate substitute for Dim Shield, are free, speed up light's already fast creature damage, lend light a stalling mechanism AND haste function.
nx Morning Stars/Glories: As many as you can get in. I have 5, which appears to work well. If you only have one, I suspect it's still possible to make the deck work, and you save room on Animate Weapons. Form a substitute for Phase Dragons.
n-1/n x Animate Weapons: Your choice whether to have one fewer ani weap than you have weapons, or the same amount. I prefer the same amount.
1x Purify: Upgraded.
6x Miracle: Should be easy to get, probably the most common rare from level 3 or from Gods. Less common in Top 50.
1-6x Golden/Light Dragons: Power...use fewer dragons if you're having light quanta problems, more if you're comfortable or if you keep wasting 30+ light quanta with miracle.
6x Archangel: Don't bother with Guardian Angel.
Pillars: not sure how many to put in yet. Can't experiment in the trainer because you need to grind miracles all over again there.
Possibly put some Holy Lights or flashes in, too, for (a) a chance at ele mastery, (b) control of dark decks.
Makes Light competitive with Aether, Rainbow decks (although not their equal).
Creatures are strong and tough to kill if not actually immortal (thru morning glories).
Stalls; Fast Heals; Haste; Fast output of creatures.
Should be able to out-last dim shield by using sundial, destroy bone wall with large numbers of creatures, break through diss field through brute force.
Original-ish deck.
Use for shard of divinity: Put these in and your miracles increase in power proportionately.
EXPENSIVE. Upgrades are 100% necessary for sundial, animate weapon and purify (if you include Purify, that is).
No eternity = no guard against deck out.
No permanent control (weapons are especially worrying).
Creature control limited to Sundials, holy light IF you put it in and IF you draw it against the appropriate decks.
Extremely weak to Discord, being a mono deck.
Destroyed by Grav shield. (Unless you have multiple flying morning glories).
Rares required. Although some may see this as a good thing, as you are unlikely to come across 3000 decks the same style the next day.
Any comments? I thought this was quite interesting.