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Fungal Growth, Death-Life deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3309.msg28630#msg28630
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:53:37 am »
So, here's my newest  :life and  :death deck, with a little  :darkness

heal                    x3
empathic bond   x3
emerald pillar     x6
emerald shield   x1
aflatoxin      x3
bonewall     x2
boneyard   x3
plague        x3
poison        x4
bone pillar   x6
parasite      x3
night fall      x2

mark is  :darkness

So, essentially, I'm working with a combination of bonewall, aflatoxin, graveyard, empathic bond and plague

emerald shield to protect your life, or one of the bone walls.

Aflatoxin the first creature you can, preferably the one with either the most attack, or lowest health, your choice

Once their field is full, they won't be able to summon, and your emerald shield should have kept your life fairly intact, but if not, you've got heal.

Throw down bone wall and as bone yards as you can, then plague

Once their MCs are dead, you'll have about 70 bones protecting your life, while your 30-ish skelies are healing you through empathic bond and widdling away at them, hopefully nightfall will let them actually do damage, but if not, you've got poison.

Repeat as necessary.


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Re: Fungal Growth, Death-Life deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3309.msg28631#msg28631
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 07:53:57 am »
maybe trade parasites for drain life, but it doesn't seem worth it


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Re: Fungal Growth, Death-Life deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3309.msg31907#msg31907
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 02:09:56 pm »


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Re: Fungal Growth, Death-Life deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3309.msg31922#msg31922
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 04:03:30 pm »
I'd try removing the darkness cards and adding in a few vulture's instead. That way you can mark life for the bonds and play the rest as death.

Haven't tested yet, but my first draft looked like this;
Tested it vs ai3 and it worked ok, was fun although a little slow. Won 1 game via poison, one via Mali-cell zerg and one with a 25/26vulture :D. The loss was my fault too - I played a bonds without thinking and AI stole it and out-healed my damage, eventually decking me :P


Might be worth removing the poison's entirely and adding a second Arsenic to bring the deck down to 30 cards. Problem I see atm is that the deck's going to be pretty slow & unreliable due to needing too many different cards to come out at once. should be fun when it does work tho :)
After testing I think they might be better off removed for an Arsenic & maybe a plague

Removing life too would probably also be a good idea. Once the bonewall is up you shouldn't need any healing anyway. After testing I found that the bonewall never actually holds up, even with a full army of cells being killed off at once (for some reason the AI ended up with 3 cells left alive after the plague, I'm guessing that some managed to split before the poison killed them?). One it's down the second shield + huge healing you recieve keeps you up through pretty-much anything tho.

