Your deck looks pretty good.
Upgrade Accels to overdrives asap as overdrive is A LOT better than acceleration. If you don't have overdrives I'd consider taking it out for defensive cards, maybe BB/ gpull, both are pretty versatile in doll decks
The arena is usually PC heavy, and I don't think that PA you have there is worth the trouble, hourglasses seem to expensive for the lil quanta you produce, 1 may be ok, but I think there is better options, arena is also usually CC heavy so I don't think that maxwell will survive long enough to be effective against gold;plat, I'd consider taking it out for some cheap and effective CC like thunderbolts, one card that is undervalued in doll decks is Holy light, it can heal you for 10 or damage the doll to finish your opponent off.
Also I'd change time mark for aether mark and add more TU's, cause they are great for finishing.
You don't really need PC, but a deflag or two may come handy in some occasions