***TRIALS RESPONSE***I can see why you deck out with a low number of attackers that climb slowly in offensive power. In your Earth-based decks, there's a small fix that can actually help a lot with that: use Earth mark and Gnome Riders. The main downside is that your defence will take longer to set up, but that's the thing about deckbuilding: you usually don't try to do too many things at once. In this case, it's ambitious to aim for both being able to stop rushes and break stalls.
Acceleration is of course a godsend here since it's capable of granting you tons of offence in just one card, and the decks that use Gravity here will simply have to put up with being easily stopped by delaying CC. The main thing you can improve in those decks is the quanta balance, and the secondary thing is card optimisation. Let's look at the first one.
You have two stacks of pillars, which means there's a risk of getting too few of one kind or not even any of them. So first, let's try the Gnome Rider idea by removing all pillars and changing mark to Earth for a PvP version.
Next we don't really need the Momentum or Catapult since we have Pulvy. If you have another Pulvy, I would definitely add that.
Next, we add those Gnome Riders I mentioned for a potentially big boost in early damage. Keep in mind they're at best secondary damage-dealers meant to do a little damage early on, helping the Accelerated Armagios. Along with the increased chance to draw Pulvy, you'll be doing more reliable damage.
Lastly we reduce the number of Wardens and get more BB's, because spells are just superior in PvP. We also add another Acceleration to get our offence started faster.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55m 55m 55m 55m 55m 55m 562 562 562 562 58u 58u 58u 58u 58u 58u 58v 58v 595 595 595 595 595 596 596 596 596 8pm
The main things you may note about this deck is that the

won't come fast at times. That's fine because your main stalling power lies in Earth.
Also note I'd sooner do Earth Pends than Gnome Riders if you intend to use this against Elders. They have too much CC and prioritise Gnome Riders like crazy for some reason. Bullies. Anyway, good luck. I'll check back later.