For edits, I'd recommend removing the Quantum Pillars & all the non-earth cards (including the Hourglass) + the Gem-finder. The Earthquake should either be removed or more added depending on personal preference and what you're playing vs at the time.
There's lot's of ways to build Shrieker rush, and it works great unupp'd or upp'd, so i'll just list all the cards I swap into mine and you can mess around until you find the build that suits you

12-17 Stone pillar
6 Graboid
0-6 Shrieker (Don't play too many of these unless you have a high pillar count (15+))
0-2 Long Sword
0/5-6 Earthquake (Lots or none. I prefer lots for PvP, and none for t50/ai3 farming)
0/2 Diamond shield (Again, these are only good if you play a lot of pillars, can be a great help vs some fast creature rush decks)
0-6 Rewind (These work best when used with earthquakes, but are still pretty strong without them)
I've also seen a few people running Antlions and Precognitions (only in the fully upp'd versions) tho I don't have much experience trying either of these.