This deck benefits IMMENSELY (as in, not worth playing without them most of the time) from the addition of 6 upgraded sundials... sadly they must be upgraded. Heck, the whole deck in general functions quite poorly if the cards aren't upgraded, except the Chrysaoras (which you should never upgrade for obvious reasons). You lose too many turns with the weaker poison and higher costs.
Anyway, it's actually a very solid deck if you look at the pros to it:
1) Completely ignores any and all shields, except for the Arsenic.
2) Basically immune to Steal/Deflag, except coming from the (ridiculously overpowered since there's no counter whatsoever for anything without earth) upgraded Pulverizer.
3) Completely ignores enemy Sundials and in fact benefits from them.
4) Easy to transition from a fast killer to a stall deck; your opponent is almost always forced to draw heavily until he gets multiple Bonds at which point you just poison everything, play a Sundial or two and put up a Bone Wall.
5) Upgraded, it uses so little quanta that pillar denial doesn't work well.
6) Can kill most Rainbow decks about half the time, depending on their draw.
7) Laughs at mono-fire, one of the most popular non-Rainbow decks.
) Can actually kill some of the gods, though it's not a god-killer deck for sure.
The cons:
1) If FFQ + Oty + Bond shows and you don't have a congeal or enough poison counters already in play, you will usually lose.
2) Very weak to mono-dark.
3) Purify drastically slows it; you should hold a few of your Poison spells until after it if there's a chance it could see play. If they have TWO Purifies o.O you're screwed.
4) HATESHATESHATES Graveyards (Boneyards, not so much since Skeletons die en masse to poison and fuel your Bone Wall).
Of course, to play it properly you have to know when you should hold your cards. You want to congeal FFQ as soon as it shows, but congealing Otys early on can get you a ton of free Chrysaora time. Since your creature control is limited you have to judge when you should play your Plagues too. And obviously, you want to save Sundials for when they help a lot.
Here's the version I ended up using:

In all honesty, that deck kinda stinks. You should use bonewall with otyughs. That's the most successful combo I've found with bonewalls if you plan on using them.
In other words, "play Rainbow using the exact same deck as everyone else, and have absolutely no counter to enemy Bone Walls whatsoever." You can try Gravity/Death with Momentum but I think you'll find far too quickly that the Heavy Armor in every Rainbow deck screws you over completely, and adding a third element basically makes you Rainbow.