havent tried many of them yet; this is theoretical:
akebono- hard if he gets a sofo out, wait 1 turn. if he doesnt overdrive it after 1 accretion, skip. if he gets a momentum/titan out early, skip, thanks to chimera.
chaos lord - medium an explosion, a steal, and a momentum. 6 annoying cards in 104, with only 1 being 'permanently'. however, the mutants could get steal, destroy, or momentum. if he does, skip.
dark matter- skip with so much quanta drained, you wont get enough aether, time, fire, perhaps anything at all. sanctuary will help here, although he also has 4 chargers and a momentum, still causing quite some pain without lobotomizer.
decay - hardhe will get many pests, causing his dark quanta to skyrocket, allowing siphon life to kill you. he wont get more than 7 pests out early most of the time, which should be doable. ill have to test to make sure.
destiny - easy/medium his mutants can get momentum, destroy, or steal: skip. His eggs can become a high-damage creature before you get a shield- just let yourself die, as you can get a shield, saving your life.
divine glory - medium if he gets an early burning tower, skip. he only has 6 in 72 cards, though (with 6 being dead cards), so it doesnt always happen.
dream catcher- hard if he gets butterfly effect, skip. you can eat through a black hole, or a quicksand, or a pest, or even a physalia- the point is he often gets more than 1 of these. a discord can actually help you, giving you more time and aether quanta early.
elidnis- quite easy no pc, but she could get an early puffer fish, poisoning you for the rest of the match.
eternal phoenix - hard high damage, and 8 explosions in 60 cards is just too much.
ferox- easy like elidnis, he can be a problem early, if he outrushes you. otherwise, you won.
fire queen - easy also like ferox and elidnis, but instead of being a thread early, she can get fire lance you to death later. she needs at least 5 lances to instantly kill you, but she will only use it if you are low on health.
gemini - hard 8 momentum on 90 cards; it will cause 8 or 9 damage creatures, which will be pu'ed over and over. might as well skip.
graviton - hard 4 explosions on 70 cards isnt the easiest thing, but he also has 4 chargers and 6 unstoppables, which he will use on his fat-growing firemasters. ouch!
hecate- skip if she only could use rage elixers on dolls, she will deal 72 damage bypassing shields. but she also has 4 steals, 8 liquid shadows, and 2 nightmares. skip.
hermes- hard since he has 116 cards, i wonder what the win rates will be like. not high, probably. 12 explosions, and in a single turn he can easily deal 30 damage later.
incarnate- easy all he can do is try to kill you before you can get shields up. he has no pc or shield-bypassing.
jezebel- hard 8 steals in 68 cards is much. also, a gravity nymph or an air nymph and you can skip. you cannot pa her towers, as she will steal your shards.
lionheart- easy no pc or shield-bypassing damage. also, he often has a slow start.
miracle- easy she sometimes could rush you down. if that doesnt happen, you win.
morte- hard(?) he has no pc but the poisons can hurt, same with an early arsenic. perhaps you should try, but skip if he gets too much poison on you.
neptune- easy no pc. He could do some early damage, and shockwave you to death. dont let that happen- although he often has a slow start.
obliterator- hard once he gets a pulvy out, skip. besides that, he has 8 momentums. you can only hope he uses them on the shriekers, and burrows them next, causing him to be too slow to kill you.the last thing is unlikely, though.
octane- skip Maybe you could live through 4 explosions on 64 card, since he doesnt get many eagles eyes out early. besides that, he also has up to 240 shield-bypassing damage. skip.
osiris- hard] once he gets a SoFo out without having a catapult on the field, skip. otherwise, he will use accretion once, and catapult after that. he also has 4 unstoppables, on slow-growing creatures. late in the game, he will start catapulting them. try to kill him by now.
paradox- easy he can get some serious damage, but luckily, it often comes mid-game. he has no pc or shield-bypassing damage.
rainbow- hard with 6 steals and 6 explosions in 120 cards, it will be a hard battle. the 10 hourglasses ensure he gets them.
scorpio- hard/skip scorpio has 10 poisons, 12 puffer fish, and 6 physalias. maybe you could outrush him (adding a single purify may make this a medium fg)
seism- medium/hard if you have that pa, use it on your quantum pillars, and laugh at him. otherwise, be in for some serious trouble.
serket - medium if you get an early shield, you should be fine. he has no way to bypass it, except the poison stacks he already inflicted.