Hey Demagog, have you tried to achieve your deck with the Nymphomania-build yet?
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2630.0.htmlI fiddled with Nymph-decks against FGs (and some pvp) for quite a while and my general conclusions for genuine Nymph-decks are so far, that
1. They are pretty slow.
One should really only count on bringing out max. 3 Nymphs in the course of the game. A clear choice about the main focus of the deck has to be made, which will result in trying to cast a specific nymph first at all times while the 2nd and maybe 3rd nymph are just support for the mid and late game.
I suppose you wanted to go down the Tears -> N.Queen -> countless Death/Wind-Nymphs route here? For me, this looked good on paper but once again was just too slow mostly, and counting on direct Nymph-cast always proved much better.
(Made me really wonder about N.Queens place in the game since unless she is just planned as a fun but uncritical addition to a stall deck maybe, she is just one instance too far away from real action ...)
2. They are pretty fragile.
A genuine Nymph-deck has only Nymphs and while at times they are quite sturdy (light + time) hardly any deck will have problems countering that single critter of yours. Like you said, with no dragons e.g. around to divert the attention away from the Nymph, it will mostly die/mutate/rewind the instant it comes into play. This is a loss you just cannot afford since even recasting it after rewind is too expensive in terms of quants and turns ... You only have so many chances to cast a Nymph and if you do, it better be working out for (almost) sure.
3. They are pretty ascetic.
You need quite a bit of stuff to make those Nymph-casts happen in a reliable way and there is hardly any room in the deck for additional extras and luxury such as weapons, shields, additional critters etc.
Building the basic Nymph-strat has to be more or less all the deck needs to work. Using only few extras is a must. Also, more than two types of Nymphs is just unrealistic.
I find, the Nymphomania-build answers pretty well (as well as it gets?) to all those demands by which I dont mean the specific Nymph-combo but more the speed, the included protection for those two Nymphs you will cast and of course extra quants (for exploding gas e.g.) ... Supernovas make it happen and give you a nice 3 applications for both Nymphs from scratch as well as the option to choose freely from your list of extras.
Swapping out the Ameth.- and Obsi. Towers for any Towers you want (Bone and Wind e.g.) will make the bigger number of Towers your prime focus and the smaller number your support.
The Quantum.Ts, the 5th Nymphtears and maybe the 4th Quint isn't really needed for the deck to work well, so that would give you about 4-6 cards to bring in those Permafrosts and anything else you may want. However, increasing the number of each non-water Tower by one has proven pretty nice to make it run more smoothly for me ... water quants will be superfluous after the first nymph-cast, so your Perma is almost guaranteed to be payed for.