yea, less shield
you have no sustain too, i still say use some improved heal
and less SoW, really, 1 quint = 1 SoW, 4 quint = 4 SoW
Sounds reasonable enough to me.
I would prefere mirror shield instead of Jade, and some
stuff for the same quanta.
Reasonable also, although yes, the original pupose of the life mark over the light mark was SoG which has been removed in previous versions, but Id like to try it out with some improved healing instead of light stuff. (Holyflash isnt good for two reasons, one it screws automulligan [Youll unevitably say you use Holy Light, which brings me to my second reason.] second, it heals half as much, and deck space is quite limited as Im trying to keep it under 35 at all times.)
I would prefere mirror shield instead of Jade, and some
stuff for the same quanta.
seems a good idea. Bless the opponent creature and pull then the combo.
Or maybe he can fit in some flying morning glories? or improved miracle in case he gets lots of
If I am gonna use light at all, Id move around the pillar to pendulum ratio as before Jades were more expensive. (I dont like the Miracle idea and blessings would be a less effective shard of wisdom...), flying mornings, could work though.
Gonna be working on two different decks, one will keep the life element, just changed with Yala´s modifications and the other will be a light version of the deck, Ill fix the first post accordingly.