You use exactly the same deck 11 times:
Pillars, 6 fractal, 6 off element creatures and 1 shield and rare weapon.
They can use a lot of improvement...
Well, I can tell you the deck strategy and outline, but how will you, unless you're really experienced (which you probably are, but there are people who may not be), choose the best creature for each element? Sure, you could test them all, but it would be a lot easier for you if I just test them out and tell you.
1) Yes, I do know what pendulums are. Their the thing that swings left and right in a Grandfather Clock.
I despise pendulums. They always end up giving you another type of quantum when you need the other type of quantum that the pendulum provides.
2) I have a friend named Tyler Tian (his IGN is lightdragon), and his deck is built on the motto, "if you have offence, then screw defence", and he's the powerfullest Elements: The Game player in my Jr. High School, so when I was making these decks, I thought, "screw defence, if you have offence", and built the decks trying to go full-offence.
1. Pendulums prevent you from getting only one type of quantum while not getting the other at all.
2. Emphasis on "if", which you lack anyway.
-snip- and aren't fast enough to rush well built rushes -snip-
3. These are more feedback if you need it:
Earth version. So you want to use Pulverizer just for the attack and not the skill. Why don't you use a Hammer? (other than thematic reason, which is not justified anyway)
Fire version. You can use better creature to fractal. Something like Phoenix. (which have more resistance to CC)
Water version. Again, Trident. This time, Toadfish too. You can use the CC ability just by changing the mark, yet you didn't.
Light version. See above.
Air version. See above.
Time version. Scarab.
Aether version. Foreveralone Dim is not pleased.
1. I hate pendulums. End of that. Either they actually don't work as well as pillars, or I'm always unlucky with them.
2. The idea is to send out a ton of the same creatures. Lots of offence; no defence (except for shields, maybe).
3. It's a simple deck. It can always be improved. If you want to do that, go ahead.
Notice how there's only 8 Burning Pillars? Phoenix costs too much quantum. You won't be able to send a lot of them out.
For the Water Version: again, focusing on attack instead.
For the Light Version: see above.
For the Air Version: see above.
For the Time Version: The deck doesn't seem to work too well with gravity added to it. Too much diversity. All the other creatures either weren't powerful enough or cost too much quantum, so I had to settle with Fate Eggs. Guess the Fate Eggs will have to determine your fate when you use this deck.
For Aether Version: Aether has no other shield, but feel free to add more copies of Dimensional Shields. I'm just addicted to 30-card decks, though.
And yaknow, I can forgive all of this. I can ignore every one else's criticism and go "huh, this cats right, there's a really simple deck formula to spam creatures with fractal using any given duo. It's just copy and paste. Nice going. It's so bad that it's witty."
But you didn't use devtal for the dark/aether duo.
Anyway. Instead of everyone slamming this guy, what if we all join forces to make 12 decks that utilize fractal, one for every element? It'll be fun. :3 We could even just use pre existing decks and make this thread a nice compilation for reference.
It's a deck idea. Don't like it? Get out of here.