It is quite possible

will go with stall deck. Xdude is the only one with a clear option to rush having 6 upped cards. They also have at least 3 Purifies.
First round they went with 36 cards, second with 38-39. It is hard to deckout them, and if we go with huge decks, we're vulnerable to rushes.
It is possible afla - bond could work if they go stall though. And Emerald shield would do great job protecting against Ice Lance.
Can I see the code of the deck you plan using?

has problems with vault. They are low on pillars. It is quite possible they will make similar deck they used the last match. I'll try to build something tomorrow morning.

can use the same deck as

. Which is bad for us

We practically have double opponents this round, and on top of it - Masters.

- Coinich should make a verdict here I guess. Rewinds are a good idea, only question is: is it enough to grant us win here?