For +0|+2 and 15% status resist chance, 4
seems a bit pricey to me... A cost of 2 or 3
might be better or maybe a slightly higher resist chance.
I like the idea overall though. It provides some much needed anti-CC capability to the
element without being a hard counter and it brings a relatively unique mechanic (resistance is similar to the SoFe effect, but a little more subdued since it only applies to status changes here).
Game statuses I can think of so far:
-Purity (opposite of poison, from purify spell)
-Immaterial (full, temporary)
--"Psychic" Immaterial (SoW buff - deals spell damage)
-Diving (from Sky Blitz)
-Readiness (extra skill use from SoR)
-Gravity Pull
-Lobotomized (not shown, but the effect seems to be present as evident by the 1 turn delay when a lobo'd creature is given a new skill)
-Invisible (may be more of a field effect than individual though)
-SoFe effect (chance to dodge plus chance to deal 2x damage and shield bypass)
-SoP effect (again, this may fall more under field effects)
-Drowning (field effect from flood / innundation)
-Butterfly effect & Liquid Shadow (slightly different from Lobo since they replace the skill and don't remove momentum)
-Stasis (will not attack - field like effect from sundial)
-Acceleration / overdrive
-Skull shield auto-kill
-Shockwave / freeze auto-kill
... hopefully i got em all