Even ignoring the synergy with Rook (which is cute), Ruhk is so damn powerful and on an 'extreme' (Ruby Dragon, a Flying Titan, and Miracle are examples of 'extreme' cards) that I can't really think of many mono-

that would want to make this card integral to their set up.

stalls are uncommon, so if this card were to be implemented, I could see some people trying to balance this with cards such as Wings and Eagle's Eye to have generous amounts of creature control/defense, alongside massive damage.
I don't like the D3 mechanic though. Can't we just say '2' damage on average and call it a day, rather than having all these randomized damage variables on a card? ^^;; Otherwise, I kind of like it, especially the art and the 'predator' theme it has going on.
Yes, I voted for this card for the competition since there were no air/earth duos, since I realized air is lacking in terms of off-element synergy besides fire/life.