Haha. As I explained, by default current attack resets to full attack after each attack, whether successful or not, so full attack is clearly not a place to store the variable "original attack", as that would mean that Temper is not cumulative.
Except that doesn't happen. Go play a steam machine. Look at its stats - it will have 0 full attack and 0 current attack. Use steam. It now has 0 full attack and 5 current attack. Let it attack. According to your explanation, it should get set to 0 attack. Instead, it now has 0 full attack and 4 current attack. Lobotomize it. Let it attack again. It will still have 0 full attack and 4 current attack. It has greater current attack then full attack, and we have removed the special circumstances, and now nothing changes.
Go play a wyrm. Dive it, and look at its stats. It now has 3 full attack and 6 current attack. PU it. Look at the clone's stats. It also has 3 full attack and 6 current attack. Let them attack. The first wyrm will be reduced to 3 full attack, 3 current attack. The second one still has 3 full attack and 6 current attack. Why is that? It is because attack does not reset by default, it is specific to having used dive earlier in the turn, which the second wyrm hasn't done.
Go play an antlion. Burrow it. it now has 2 full attack and 1 current attack. Play SoP and wait a turn. It now has 3 full attack and 2 current attack. End SoP and unburrow. It now has 3 full attack and 4 current attack. Let it attack. It still has 3 full attack and 4 current attack.