Is the angel generated in your hand or your field?
On the field.
By making this card you've obsoleted regular angels then.
"obsoleted"? Lol.
Anyways, to play a Guardian Angel, all you need is 3

quanta. At the end of the turn, it deals 1 damage, OR, you can buff it any which way, for example using Rage Potion to make it deal 6 damage. Alternatively, if you buffed it with Quintessence, your opponent cannot target it next turn.
To activate Divine Protection, in addition to the 3

quanta required to play Divine Protection, you need to have a creature you can play. This makes the card up to 1 turn slower, either because auto-mulligan gave you a hand full of photons or because you don't have enough quanta to play your dragon. After playing Divine Protection, your Guardian Angel does not deal any damage at the end of your turn simply because it doesn't exist yet. There isn't even anything to Rage Potion or Quintessence. This makes Divine Protection yet another turn slower than a Guardian Angel. Then, when Divine Protection is proc'd, a Guardian Angel finally appears; a Guardian Angel perfect for your opponent to Reverse Time or Freeze.
In conclusion: Divine Protection doesn't make Guardian Angel obsolete, it makes Fractal and Mitosis obsolete but only in their use with Guardian Angel.