Hi there. Thanks for reading. I am going to show you how to build a scorpion deck. This topic will be divided into 3 parts, one for each scorpion.
This is the Forest Scorpion, the easiest one to use, since it needs no buffs to poison the opponent, though a single 1 DR shield will nullify it (at least the unupped version). So which are the best card to use with this scorpion? It's clearly that it is too slow to kill the opponent alone.
 | This is one of the best cards to use with Forest Scorpion. By using adrenaline on this scorpion, it makes it attack 4 times, poisoning the opponent on the first and last attack. So the damage starts to increase quickly. 4 damage in the first turn, 6 damage in second, 8 damage in third and so on (considering the scorpion isn't killed). This strategy is mostly used in mono life rushes |  | Mitosis, another life card that can be used to get excellent results from your scorpions. With this, you can multiply them pretty fast and poison the opponent at an insane rate. Combining scorpion+mitosis with some empathic bonds can give you time to stall until the opponent is killed by poison, even if he played a shield in the meantime. |
 | "What has this to do with scorpions?" you might ask. Well, this card can be used to stall until your scorpions kill the opponent in case you don't use mitosis. If you use mitosis, it's better to use empathic bond. |  | "lolwut?" Yep, this dragon can be used if you want to kil the opponent fast, or if you fear shields or CC so it doesn't nullify your damage, since life has no PC.
 | This card can help a LOT with the stalling. It's better than fire shield on average, since it has the potential to kill creatures a lot faster |  | Ok, you can say I'm crazy, but this card can help you transform your scorpions into powerful creatures (especially if you use the upped version) when the opponent uses shields that nullify your scorpions, or it can be used as CC to slow down the opponent (unupped version). It is vulnerable to CC though. |
 | This solves one of 's problems: the lack of PC. With this, you can turn your scorpions into pulverizers and crush opponent's shields, weapons or other annoying permanents. |  | Helps you bypass shields and makes your scorpions even better with adrenaline. |
 | Not very used, but it can make your scorpions less vulnerable to CC. |  | This can help you stall while opponent is killed by your scorpions. |
 | This creature can really help with the stalling, but it's quite vulnerable to CC as well. The good news is that the opponent usually kill the wardens first, then the scorpions |  | Same as Butterfly effect, solving the PC problem. Even though this is a one use card, it's not vulnerable to CC, it costs a lot less overall and it doesn't take away your scorpion's ability to poison. |
 | Another cheap card that can make an opponent creature useless for 3 turns. Additionally, you can use some forest spirits as well, since you have water quanta now. |  | Freeze on a stick, though it costs a lot more overall and is vulnerable to CC. |
 | With this card you can protect your mitosis'd scorpion so you can make a lot without worrying that it might get killed (for 3 turns) |  | If you don't like mitosis, you can try to use fractal, though it's a little too expensive. Still, this can give you a faster scorpion generation. Combined with empathic bond, you can have the ultimate stalling and offensive power. And if you fear DR shields, you can pack some emerald dragons as well to get through those shields. Additinally, you can pack lighting as well, since life has no direct CC. |
 | This can help with the stalling and let your SoG's and/or bonds do their job while you are protected by it. |
This is the death scorpion, known as deathstalker. It may seem quite useless, since it has 0 atk, but buff it and you'll have a surprise. You don't even need to stall as much as with the forest scorpion when using this one, since it's poison spreads a lot faster than forest scorpion's.
 | This card is on average as good as blessing, and cheaper. You can just splash it in your deck to buff the deathstalkers. DO NOT use the unupped version. This is for your own good. |  | One of the best cards to buff your deathstalkers with, since you don't have to worry about shields anymore. |
 | This is only good when you already buffed the deathstalker (preferably 1, 2 or 3 atk), this way you'll give your opponent 4 poison each turn (on first and last attack), plus the scorpion's damage |  | Since you're already using , why not use this cheap creature that poisons the opponent even more? You can splash them in your deathstalker deck. |
 | Not really the best card to use here, but it's still a viable strategy. You have access to the other light cards as well. |  | Not really a good idea, since there are a lot better buffs for this scorpion, but it can be used if you want. WARNING: An immortal scorpion with spell damage will NOT poison the opponent anymore |
 | Considering you already buffed the deathstalker, this card can make the poison spread even faster. |  | You could say that this is a weapon version of the forest scorpion, again, good in making the poison spread faster. |
 | I let the best to the end. This is the BEST card to use with deathstalker, since it doesn't buff only one of them, it buffs them all, and it buffs the rest of your or creatures as well, with only ONE card. |  | This can be used along nightfall (since they are both ) to protect your deathstalkers as well. Consider it a 3 turn quint. |
 | This is one of the best shields for stalling when using this scorpion, since you already have the death quantum anyway. Plus, you can pack some plagues as well or other CC to make this grow even stronger. |  | This can help you get the time needed to spread your poison and kill your opponent. |
This is a more stall-ish scorpion, since it takes some time to kill your opponent with it.
 | This card is on average as good as blessing, and cheaper. You can just splash it in your deck to buff the dune scorpions or use more entropy cards for stalling, like antimmater, or even dissipation shield, which can block all damage if you have enough quantum. Additionally, you could pack some discords as well to slow down your opponent. DO NOT use the unupped version. This is for your own good. |  | This is the most used buff for dune scorpion, since it can be splashed pretty easy. Plus, you only need one hit from the scorpion for it to start killing your opponent slowly. Chaos power might be better, because gravity doesn't have much stalling, except for gravity shield, black hole or otyugh, but these are situational, so you need to use time as stalling. |
 | This is used pretty often as well by those who want to use other light cards as well, like sanctuary. |  | As I said before, this is used along blessing to provinde the stall needed for the opponent to die. You can combine this with sundial as well, so every time you are close to dying, just use sundials to let the sanctuary heal you, plus, you can draw a card as well, since you have light quantum. |
 | A good combo with sanctuary and miracle, especially of you use the mark. |  | Though rarely used, it can be used along sanctuary and SoD to stall even more. |
 | Almost never used, because it doesn't give the scorpion a hp buff as well, but it's a viable strategy. It gives the most powerful atk buff (except for a lucky chaos power) and gives you access to other aether cards as well, like dimensional shield or lightning, which can be a huge addition to your stalling power. If you want to have some burst damage as well, you can pack a dragon or a ghost of the past and a fractal as well. WARNING: An immortal scorpion with spell damage will NOT poison the opponent anymore. |  | One of the best stalling cards that can be used with the dune scorpion. It block 50% of the damage and, unlike dusk, there is no risk. |
 | Stops all the damage, except weapon and poison, which is clearly to your advantage, and it let's you draw a card as well. |  | This is the one of the best cards to use along with a buffed dune scorpion. Making your opponent play the card again and increasing their poison again. |
 | This is the BEST card to use along a buffed dune scorpion. RT on a stick, what could be better than that? The poison will spread a lot faster. |  | Usually sundial is used more often than dim shield with dune scorpion, but this gives you 3 turns of protection instead of one, plus, it doesn't block your creatures from attacking as well. When you use light/time it's recommended to use sundial, but when you use SoW, this is definately the best choice. You can even use them both if you want, but I don't think you'll need more than 18 turns to kill the opponent. |
You might say that this isn't a scorpion, but it actually is. You can consider it a bigger forest scorpion if you want.
 | This is the BEST card you could use puffer fish with. 3 and 8 are the best attack values for adrenaline. This will transform your 3 atk creature into a 12 atk creature that will poison twice. On the first and on the last attack. |  | It is a little expensive, but with mitosis you can spawn a lot of those puffer fishes resulting in a lot of poison that is very hard to block. |
 | Not much to say. This can give you a 4 atk unstoppable poisoning scorpion. Plus, it makes it immune to lightning and rage potion. |  | This can make your puffer fishes break through diamond shield and even resist pretty much any CC. It can give you acces to the other light cards as well |
 | This gives you another way of poisoning your opponent. More poison is always better, right? Plus, you can now pack arsenic and poison as well. |  | This is especially good if you use some life pillars/pends. You can get infinite adrenaline. |
 | This permanent, which is rarely used, can block your opponent from playing more than 5 creatures (unless he has water creatures as well), which can help you stall a bit while your puffer fishes poison your opponent to death. You can combo this with mitosis as well, since the fishes won't die from flooding, they will enjoy it |  | This can be used to grow your fishes while your opponent uses SoSac, phase shield, sundial or titanium shield. When you combo this with flooding, your fishes will grow at an insane rate, turning into poisoning arctic dragons in 2 turns. |