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War is the largest PvP event that is hosted by the elements official forum. It happens once or twice every year, starting in 2010. Currently War #10 has been completed. It is very distinct from other PvP events because of its sheer size (earlier versions had more than 100 participants) and length(lasting 2 or 3 months). The task of keeping this many people active over a long duration is as challenging to the team leaders as the unique metagame and strategies of this event.

Basic structure

Throughout its 9 editions, there have been many changes to the rules of the event, but even so, some unique features have been present in most, if not all, wars:

Teams related to elements

Each team represents one of the 12 elements (with the exception of Team Underworld, which is not always present). This elemental affiliation is important as the team is led by the master of that element, or by someone appointed by the master (and as such, War has a strong connection with Trials, the event where the masters are chosen), and because the element defines the cards available for deckbuilding, as well as the deckbuilding rules for that team.

Team roles

In every war, the members of each team have had specific roles (from the minimalistic system of War 1, to the complex systems of Wars 2 and 3). The roles and what they mean have changed from war to war, but the two most important roles (since their introduction in War 2) are General and Lieutenant. The General is the leader of the team and must be either the current master of the corresponding element, or someone appointed by the master. The General is also responsible with building the team through the recruiting system, detailed below. The Lieutenant is the second-in-command and takes the lead in the absence of the General. However, on the more recent wars the main difference between the roles is only the number of upgraded cards allowed for the decks used.

Teams chosen by the generals (auction and draft)

The auction system was introduced in War 2 for the generals to build their teams. The players that want to participate in War submit applications, containing stats, like score, electrum and card counts, as well as their preferred elements and roles, as well as what elements they refuse to work with (generals from these elements cannot bid on the player). The generals then bid on players, competing against each other for the best ones. The currency they use on the bids are cards, meaning that if a general spends a certain amount of cards to get a player, that amount is deducted when they choose, at the beginning of War, the cards that will be available for building the decks. So while choosing their players, generals normally balance veterans (that tend to be more expensive to get) and newer players (that can be obtained by 1 or 2 cards). Since War 3, there is a limit on how many players a general can bid on and how many cards can be bid on a single player.

In War 8 an experimental draft system was used instead. Each general sent a list with 12 names in order of preference, together with a bid. The players were then assigned to teams according to the order of preference established and with generals that bid more having their lists used first. This change was made to speed up the process of choosing the teams and to spread the best players more evenly.

The vault

Once the team is chosen they must build their vault. The vault is the list of cards (and their quantities) that the team intends to use during the event. The size of the starting vault depends on how many cards were spent during auction/draft. When War starts, the size of the vault acts as a form of hit points or rank gauge. The more cards a team has in the vault, the higher its standing. A team with significantly higher value must field more decks in the battles (up to the number of players in the team or the number of opponents left). As a team loses cards, some of its players will need to be left outside of the main battles, until they don't have enough cards to field a deck and the team is defeated. The rules for building the starting vault allow for a greater amount of cards matching the team element, while restricting the amount of cards from the other elements. This reflects the deckbuilding rules that also require a larger amount of cards of the team element in the decks used. There is no distinction between unupgraded and upgraded cards in the Vault and any card in the Vault can be used as either unupgraded or upgraded.

In War 9, pillars and pendulums were not part of the Vault.


This is where the promoting of elements and War trash talk happens. It has not been an official part of all Wars, but it has always been present since War 1. In some of the Wars, teams were asked to make a War banner, choosing a War song and generals made War speeches. Completing these tasks with a reasonable amount of quality would be worth extra cards in the starting vault and the best banners and speeches were awarded even more cards.

Salvage and discard

Salvage and Discard are the main way vault sizes are changed (besides penalties, that are always paid in vault cards). When a player loses a battle they must discard a certain amount of cards from the deck they used, which are removed from the team's vault, while the winner gets to choose some of the cards from the loser's deck to add to their team's vault (the cards the losing team keeps don't have a relation with the ones the winning team salvages). The fact that the loser discards much more cards than the winner salvages is the main thing that controls the lenght of war, as every round the amount of cards in the vaults as a whole diminishes.

The secret section

The players of each team have a secret section, where they can discuss their strategies, track down the vaults of their opponents, as well as keeping their own vault. Keeping the vault correctly up-to-date is a great responsability, as minor mistakes can lead to penalties that can jeopardize the whole team.

Basic deckbuilding

All decks must contain at least half of the cards from the team element (pillars, pendulumns and marks count towards this total). Deck modifications and mark changes are not generally allowed. Rares, except shards, are allowed in the main battles and the amount of upgrades that can be used depends on the role of the player in the team (with the General always getting the greatest amount of upgrades). Some details of the deckbuilding may also depend on team roles (for example, the Strategists in War 6 could change their mark, as well as use a sideboard)

Event cards

Event cards were introduced in War 2 and are basically special rules that are in effect only for one round. Event cards are created before the event starts, are picked up by the organizers and revealed only on the round they'll be used.

Conversions and trasmutations

The conversion rule was introduced in War 2 and has since become a central part of the strategy of War. It allows teams to convert any card in their vault with a pillar or pendulum of the team element. It was introduced so that teams would not be so often forced to field suicides (decks meant for losing) or illegal decks because of a bad previous round. The conversion is permanent though and so must be used wisely. Starting with War 8, there is no limit for the amount of conversions that can be made in a given round.

Transmutations are a related concept that were introduced in a partial way in War 7 and allow teams to convert the cards salvaged in battles into in-element cards (the ratio normally used is 2 salvaged cards per each in-element one). Since War 8 they can be done without restrictions.


The Auction

The strategy during auction revolves around getting a team that the General thinks that has a good chance at War, while keeping the amount of cards spent as low as possible. These are some of the strategies that are used for this end:

  • 1 card bids can be used as insurance in case some of the players the general wanted in his team become more expensive than he is willing to pay for them. However the General must also weight in if it the extra cards in the starting Vault are worth getting a potentialy more inexperient player in the team.
  • It is possible to use carefuly placed bids to make your opponent's team more expensive, or to effectively "lock" a player in a team. A way of doing this is placing bids that don't affect your current team. Such bids are possible because only the highest winning bids a general makes contribute to his team formation. For example, a general whose bids contributing to the team are all above 6 cards, can make 5 card bids on other players, without affecting his team. This prevents other generals from bidding in those players for less than 6 cards, which might be seen as too expensive for that player. So if another general had made a previous 1 card bid, then the player gets effectively locked in that team. Even if 6 cards is a reasonable price for the player (which prevents the lock), it means that other generals can't attempt to get a better deal. (this is one of the reasons there is a maximum amount of players a general can bid on)
  • Competition for the best players often escalates to maximum bids (where the choice is left to the player). These players are in most cases well worth the bids, but this competition is also a way to ensure that even if you don't get the player, your opponents won't get him cheaply.
  • If the general decides to take a newbie into the team, it is interesting to teach them the basics quickly and to give precise instructions on the first rounds.

Draft specific strategies

In the draft system, some peculiarities can be exploited by the generals to get a good team for a reasonable price

  • The most common strategy is bidding high in the first and second rounds and then trying to get what is left for low prices. Some examples are , and in War 8.
  • Prices are much higher in the first rounds of the draft, but good players last until the middle ones (and some may slip until the last ones). On the other hand, generals will try to compensate high bids with lower bids in the later rounds. Because of this making average bids will allow you to get some of the top12 players and give you a higher control in the middle rounds. An example is the strategy followed by and in War 8.
  • As you are guaranteed to get one of the names in the list you send, you can get one of the top 12 players, one of the top 24 and so on, only making the minimum 1 card bid. This was the strategy followed by in War 8.

The Vault

Building the vault is critical for a team's success. So some of the particularities of War must be kept in mind.

  • The conversion rule only allows for a limited number of cards to be changed into pillars every round. As such, the vault should have enough pillars and pendulumns, such that even in the case of a very bad round, viable decks can still be built in the following round, without the need for suicides.
  • The War metagame has some staples and a team should build its vault expecting to face these decks. Some examples of decks that are extremely common are:
    • Grabbows
    • Psiontal
    • Ghostmare
    • RoL/Hope
    • Dischole
    • Bonebolt
    • Light Stall
    • Fractix
    • Devtal
    • Dark Domin
  • Vault matchups play a big role. When building a vault, ways to counter specific elements (the most common strategies) should be taken into account. Situations where one deck can defeat a whole vault should not happen until the later parts of War (that is, such situations should be a consequence of the discards the team had to make, not a consequence of bad planning)

During the course of War, teams attempt to keep a healthy balance between card diversity and in-element cards. Card diversity is necessary to adapt to different situations, but if a team loses some of their key cards, it becomes much more difficult to build effective decks while still following the deckbuilding rules. One trick that can be used to hold to key cards in case a deck that makes heavy use of them loses is to make the deck a bit fatter, allowing the team a better choice of what cards to keep from the losing deck.

Deckbuilding and Mindgating

The skill to read your opponents is one of the most valuable ones in War. As decks can't be changed during the matches in a battle, the result is often decided by the deck matchup or by pure luck. For this reason it is very important for teams to keep a picture as acurate as possible of their opponent's vaults. This is specially important against teams close to be eliminated, as their limited vault imposes more restrictions in their deckbuilding and makes countering them easier.

For the same reason it is very important not to be predictable, when building a deck for a War match. Chances are that an unusual deck will fare better than a more effective deck, simply because the opponent doesn't expect it.

Sometimes when building decks, suicide decks are inevitable, the main rationale is that concentrating their best cards in decks that are very likely to win, while leaving decks with very little chances to win causes an impact in the vault at first, but will allow the team to keep themselves in a more stable situation in the following rounds, as they will need to field less decks. A more high risk/high return strategy that can be used depending on the matchups is to spread the forces, that is, fielding stronger decks against stronger opponents and weaker decks against weaker opponents. This requires a good knowledge of the opponent's vaults to work though.

Avoiding Penalties

Some pointers are followed by most teams to keep penalties at a minimum:

  • Check if everything is correct, then check again. This applies to decks, vault, salvages and discards.
  • Do not, in any circumstances, edit things after the deadline. Even accidental things can cause an "edit fingerprint", so the corresponding thread should be locked, just to be safe.
  • Make sure everyone in your team knows the rules


Activity is crucial for a War team to work well. This is something that generals need to take into account since the auction, because a good player that never shows up can be less useful than a highly motivated, but less experient player. Since auction, a general should make sure that the players he intends to bid on understand the amount of work involved in War (specially the less experient ones) and have the free time to be active members of a team.

Even so, given the lenght of War, it is best to be realistic and prepare the team for the case one or two of the players have to be absent for long times. It is generally a good idea not to keep the work loads concentrated in a few players for a long time. This can make them stressed out and can be catastrophical in case they need to be absent. Doing this requires the existence of good communication, coordination and organization among team members.

Because of this, morale and staying motivated are also very important, even if things start to fall apart.

Stats, Rosters and Winners

War 1
Standings Team Master Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Fire Antagon syco666 cokeandaspirin plastiqe kev Corrum GG (substitute) 29/12 Winner
2 Entropy Zeru Rastafla Pervepic jmizzle7 Flare Svenningen 18/13 9
3 Earth Terroking $$$man Demagog Didonko PuppyChow Azumi 29/14 8
4 Death MrBlonde Malduk TheoCT coinich ufcfan Mastermind79 13/12 7
5 Light xdude Dragoon Hobnob5000 implosion Candle Helios 16/14 7
6 Time Xinef Flying Farenheit Kuroaitou Belthazar666 Rozpierdalator bojengles77 8/13 7
7 Gravity Jumbalumba jmdt Baily18 PhantomFox xKelevra Smokefree 9/11 4
8 Darkness miniwally Troh UsernameLife melzardust Bloodshadow killfer8 9/12 4
9 Air unit748596 finkle Jon94 valuka melendr Hyroen 3/10 3
10 Aether icybraker unionruler rotface icecoldbro wassd13 skyguy 4/12 3
11 Water Essence ItzSean The Dictator Levgre Kael Hate Harakirinosaru 2/10 2
12 Life Gl1tch gnikdoolb Amesjay Anothebrother Kurohami dragonhuman 1/11 2

War 2
Standings Team General Lieutenant Strategist Vault Organizer Deckbuilder Duel Organizer Salvager Substitute Rookie wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Entropy Zeru Amilir 10 men Kurohami Sir Valimont xkelevra Snoweb vagman13 Nyma 60/21 Winner
2 Air Pervepic QuantumT Chum3 Truddy02 Gyrodiot Dogg Klaymore Istari. glowing ice 30/29 10
3 Life killsdazombies Gl1tch willng3 Daxx hrmmm ratchetspyro94 wizelsnarf Nadrin YeliyaYue 23/30 10
4 Fire kev jmdt Lava golem Hyroen Acsabi44 catalyzame stinnger majofa brettbstock 40/29 10
5 Aether icecoldbro Dragoon1140 mrpaper Toimu13 Boingo thraexis11 gocubbies1212 EvaRia artagas 25/29 9
6 Time Xinef Dragoon Belthazar666 Brion valuka edunavas senabmi Smokefree Immolation 22/28 9
7 Underworld ak65ala ji412jo jippy99 Spielkind hainkarga Malignant Numnut Slim8stack 8/9 9
8 Earth Terroking Demagog Skydaemon Dreggs coinich Korugar Legit $$$man TimerClock14 22/27 8
9 Light xdude Implosion asymmetry Wizardcat suxerz salamence_747 fenix2011 Rastafla Ryan666 30/29 8
10 Death MrBlonde Malduk Mastermind79 Smuglapse Xuru Nume Shantu Corrum home_wreckaz 31/28 8
11 Gravity GG Jumbalumba ~Napalm Phantomfox 918273645 smiley56 Memorystick Cebra Indrejue 15/31 8
12 Darkness Kael Hate Kuroaitou TheonlyrealBeef kobisjeruk 3D House of Beef Lokiburn4 guy_fawkes plastiqe 9270984 25/26 8
13 Water nilisieboy RavingRabbid wavedash miniwally The dictator 5pla5h unit748596 BlueSky vinvick3714 13/28 6

War 3
Standings Team General Lieutenant Strategist Varied * Varied * Varied * Varied * Varied * wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Fire ~Napalm majofa Lava Golem Svenningen catalyzeme gavsword Legit Dogg 47/28 Winner
2 Aether Higurashi pikachufan2164 YoungSot UTAlan willng3 deuce22 EvaRia (...) 59/33 16
3 Entropy Zeru vagman13 10 men Shantu DSSCRA 3D House of Beef BluePriest BatCountry 34/33 16
4 Underworld LongDono Sevs Neopergoss tttt LifeLockable ShiningSword Aitvaras phaedrus 16/14 16
5 Death MrBlonde kev xdude xn0ize SteppingStone81 Daxx Marvaddin Dm1321 36/30 13
6 Earth Kakerlake Terroking Acsabi44 TimerClock14 $$$man Kamietsu Spielkind avenger 26/28 10
7 Time Jen-i Snoweb Gl1tch Azumi evilloss drogana crimsonflippa SpikeSpiegel 16/27 10
8 Darkness TheonlyrealBeef Wizardcat Mithcairion mrpaper suxerz Malignant Jaymanfu Onizuka 29/27 9
9 Air QuantumT truddy02 Amilir The Mormegil Hisar Noobiecakes jippy99 omegareaper7 17/25 7
10 Light coinich ak65ala Boingo kirchj33 Zblader hrmmm RootRanger valuka 19/27 7
11 Water RavingRabbid Onizuka Jappert Bootsza tiko vinvick3714 The dictator Patchx94(aznkid66) 26/28 7
12 Life wizelsnarf wavedash PlayerOa edunavas Falcon4415 Isei promwarm ralouf 22/27 7
13 Gravity Thenewguy Tstart killsdazombies Seraph CaptainScibra einherjar145 TheIdioticIdiot Brettbstock 7/27 6
War 4
Standings Team General Lieutenant Strategist Duel Organizer Soldier Soldier Soldier Soldier wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Death MrBlonde RootRanger jippy99 PlayerOa AgentFlare xn0ize ralouf Jaymanfu 30/21 Winner
2 Light majofa Zeru GG Kakerlake Spielkind NikaZaslavsky suxerz light_sefi 21/21 10
3 Darkness TheonlyrealBeef Wizardcat Onizuka Kuroaitou Jen-i Terroking YawnChainHow Aves 19/19 10
4 Time 10 men dragonsdemesne valuka bripod bjessee ffun inthisroom TheManuz 34/24 10
5 Fire ~Napalm Antagon Jocko deuce22 Kamietsu Dogg morningstar TheForbiddenOracle 12/18 10
6 Entropy MatrimKK Rastafla Gumbeh Bonestorm Dwerg PoLdeR Rush6 DeathAngelx 34/24 10
7 Earth kirchj33 Mithcairion Sevs Avenger bogtro CCCombobreaker AnnaMall MartyrX 33/23 10
8 Gravity nilsieboy vagman13 Jenkar Calindu Bhlewos PuppyChow Vineroz n00b 15/20 10
9 Aether Higurashi mrpaper EvaRia hainkarga UTAlan Odii Odsen markilleruk Shaliyah 23/21 9
10 Air DrunkDestroyer Legit plastiqe Robotocracy TuckinFypo BatCountry Bloom Pervepic 16/21 9
11 Water RavingRabid Jappert The dictator Gillero Tiko Shantu Acsabi44 Daguerreo 12/20 9
12 Life willng3 ak65ala pikachufan2164 The Mormegil Noobiecakes Isei LifeLockable 9270984 9/19 7
13 Underworld Tstar Rember Malignant Dm1321 furballdn AngelMusti DarkArk Cereal Guy 4/11 7
War 5
Standings Team General Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Aether deuce22 pikachufan2164 EvaRia The Mormegil hainkarga Avenger Jocko coinich 28/16 Winner
2 Time 10 men Anthraxx PlayerOa Zso_Zso Scaramanga bripod McSod zaen 28/17 12
3 Fire YoungSor vagman13 Calindu glennfoo mrpaper UTAlan xn0ise Selinea 22/16 11
4 Air Jenkar regen2k9 RootRanger Silver Hyroen AnnaMall agentflare Kamietsu 20/15 8
5 Darkness TheonlyrealBeef Rutarete bogtro Wizardcat ji412jo Absol FlareGlutox Poker Alho 12/15 7
6 Life willng3 UnderneathTheLens Helston killsdazombies Marsu drolly Kai Belligerence 7/15 7
7 Death ralouf Cheesy111 Acsabi jippy99 Shantu Shrink daccoo DSSCRA 12/14 6
8 Light xdude Newbcakes bjessee Bonestorm DevilLoss Pineapple ak65ala 1world24 12/16 6
9 Entropy Onizuka inthisroom dragonsdemesne mesaprotector Jaymanfu majofa plastiqe Bloom 12/13 5
10 Water RavingRabbid justaburd Sevs Spielkind Tiko Kuroairou SpikeSpiegel MatrimKK 12/15 5
11 Earth Terroking CCCombobreaker mega plini pulli23 Dm1321 Lacadarap YawnChainHow MartyrX 9/15 5
12 Gravity nilsieboy n00b Odii Odsen SnoWeb vineroz Kakerlake einherjar145 furballdn 6/15 5
War 6
Standings Team General Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Aether deuce22 hainkarga vagman13 Wizardcat UTAlan Avenger 42/17 Winner
2 Air kev Jen-I AnnaMall Elbirn justaburd Bloom 27/20 12
3 Entropy Calindu RavingRabbid inthisroom Odii Odsen Afdarenty Anthraxx 29/21 10
4 Time PlayerOa Cheesy111 McSod BunKeR whatifidogetcaught? Chapuz 20/19 10
5 Gravity nilsieboy Laxadarap kimham8a AvusXIV CaptainScibra neuroleptics 20/18 8
6 Water majofa Vineroz Onizuka Spielkind Regyptic Drake_XIV 14/16 8
7 Earth mrpaper bripod Annele Kakerlake dragtom MaTianLong 15/19 8
8 Darkness bogtro ddevans96 ji412jo Absol Rutarete skotadi phobos 14/18 7
9 Fire glennfoo Acsabi44 Vangelios shileka summerz88 Luminous 12/18 7
10 Light mesaprotector Kuroaitou Blacksmith Hyroen Zso_Zso nelde59 10/18 7
11 Death Shantu valuka Bonestorm rob77dp Psychoa Fippe94 9/19 7
12 Life willng3 n00b UnderneathTheLens nensuru Belligerence mathman101 8/17 5
War 7
Standings Team General Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Aether deuce22 Kakerlake vagman13 Avenger Jen-i mrpaper 45/18 Winner
2 Air Jenkar Acsabi44 hainkarga BeefSupreme Chapuz Elbirn 28/24 14
3 Time PlayerOa TheonlyrealBeef S2xaT5No andretimpa Dm1321 PoLdeR 26/25 11
4 Gravity Laxadarap Brusterix Legit suxerz w4sh1ng7on Captain Scibra 26/15 11
5 Earth Blacksmith Afdarenty DANIEELA omegareaper7 Terroking dragtom 23/22 8
6 Death rob77dp ralouf Fippe94 CuCN xn0ize xyan 22/23 8
7 Entropy Calindu Spielkind serprex antiaverage majofa Hannal 21/18 8
8 Darkness Odii Odsen Regyptic bogtro CCCombobreaker Vangelios iamme134 18/20 8
9 Fire inthisroom 10 men Bripod Annele bjessee AvusXIV 13/22 8
10 Life Marsu rem4life mathman101 dawn to dusk skyironsword zerxil 12/19 8
11 Water ddevans96 treebeard_xiii Scaramanga EvaRia Drake_XIV Lande 10/18 8
12 Light Zso_Zso MegroN Submachine ji412jo xsindomanx furkannnO 9/22 8
War 8
Standings Team General Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Fire RootRanger mrpaper Avenger worldwideweb3 Zawadx eljoemo 43/19 Winner
2 Darkness Odii Odsen 10 men inthisroom Annele DeathKnyte lifehatelove 37/26 12
3 Time SpikeSpiegel Kuroaitou pwconfirm DANIEELA propheon furkannnO 26/27 11
4 Aether hainkarga UTAlan Regyptic Dm Ginyu Lost in Nowhere 21/18 10
5 Entropy Calindu willng3 RavingRabbid vagman13 Physsion rogerluc 25/22 9
6 Light Jen-i Cheesy111 Acsabi44 xn0ize rem4life Shinki12345 20/21 8
7 Water ddevans96 rob77dp Spielkind Legit treebeard xiii Malignant 15/23 8
8 Air Afdarenty CCCombobreaker PlayerOa Submachine theelkspeaks iancudorinmarian 17/21 7
9 Death Fippe94 majofa Tiko Laxadarap andretimpa qwerter 17/21 7
10 Earth MegroN Blacksmith Kakerlake dark ripper bripod Brusterix 16/20 7
11 Gravity Captain Scibra dragonsdemesne trashduke Rutarete Drake_XIV skyironsword 7/18 7
12 Life dawn to dusk mathman101 Zso_Zso ARTHANASIOS Scaramanga Frozengaia 11/19 6
War 9
Standings Team General Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Darkness Physsion Calindu trashduke Aves chrispybacon84 RapidStar_ 56/18 Winner
2 Air Afdarenty mrpaper xn0ize Newbiecake rogerluc farscape 46/24 16
3 Aether Zawadx Jenkar Spacious sumtwig07 bjessee UndeadSpider1990 36/28 15
4 Gravity Ginyu inthisroom andretimpa MeowMeowCat Naesala godisnowonline 32/32 14
5 Fire Vangelios Odii Odsen vagman13 JednorozecCZ flyingcat G33kyGirl 30/26 12
6 Earth theelkspeaks Avenger kirbylover314 Iorveil Regyptic TheArrogantOne 20/31 11
7 Time SpikeSpiegel RavingRabbid PlayerOA DANIEELA Luminous propheon 23/26 10
8 Entropy iancudorinmarian CCCombobreaker dark ripper Discord qwerter Asdfugio 22/25 10
9 Death rob77dp dragonsdemesne ji412jo eljoemo rockstar1723 CrockettRocket 13/24 9
10 Life dawn to dusk willng3 mathman101 Helston skyironsword entropystarrover 13/29 9
11 Water ddevans96 JonathanCrazyJ Spielkind Basman-1453 Espithel RulacMage11 10/29 9
12 Light Zso_Zso hainkarga treebeard xiii seulintse Blacksmith AD TienzuStorm 12/23 8
War 10
Standings Team General Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** Varied ** wins/losses Elimination Round
1 Air Afdarenty trashduke Basman-1453 Hyroen chrispybacon84 54/19 Winner
2 Gravity worldwideweb3 Naesala majofa Odii Odsen kaempfer13 44/29 15
3 Water JonathanCrazyJ Ginyu RavingRabbid SpielKind Manuel 30/30 13
4 Earth Blacksmith ji412jo manaboy100 Jenkar Ryli 28/29 12
5 Darkness Aves RapidStar_ Sera Zawadx andretimpa 26/23 10
6 Entropy iancudorianmarian dark ripper Calindu TheArrogantOne aaronk474 18/22 9
7 Aether deuce22 blrawen mrpaper hainkarga Vangelios 22/18 8
8 Time Kuroaitou DANIEELA vagman13 fabian771 Vineroz 16/24 8
9 Fire killsdazombies godisnowonline TheonlyrealBeef xn0ize theelkspeaks 14/24 8
10 Death rob77dp UzumakiNaruto ddevans96 asdw152 Espithel 14/21 7
11 Life willng3 Fippe94 Heman Solaris Timdood3 9/22 7
12 Light Discord ARTHANASIOS Silver Emerald dragonsdemesne serpex 9/23 7
  • During War 3 the teams didn't use a consistent naming for the team roles. General, Lieutenant and Strategist were used by all teams. The other roles were: Vault Organizer, Jester, Duel Organizer, Salvager, Deckbuilder, Private, Dogsbody, The Replacement, The Other Replacement, Absent and Sidekick.
  • Since War 5, roles can be changed every round
    • In War 5 the roles were General, Lieutenant, Strategist, Scout, Salvager, Assassin and Support
    • In War 6 the roles were General, Lieutenant, Strategist, Berserker, Quarter Master, Standard Bearer and Support
    • Since War 7, the only roles are General, Lieutenant and Soldier