A new player stumbles into chat one day, frantically begging for advice on making his 47-card air/darkness/time trio. The veteran players quickly come to his aid, providing links to the forums, giving him tips, and undoubtedly guiding him down the 30-card-decks-only-and-fire-is-the-best-element path.
Those veteran Elements players think they know the game inside and out. They claim to know how to build the most efficient decks, what cards are top tier in competitive play, and what elements are better than others.
Ask anyone what the worst unupgraded element is and what the most inefficient deck size is for grinding AI3. I'm willng to bet that 9/10 people will answer "Gravity" and "60". That is not a legit response. What those players believe is false. They are missing a crucial piece of the puzzle; they are too blind to see the true nature of Elements the Game as a whole.
Most Elements players ignore the Armedilgo, who dwells exclusively in 60-card decks and fights tooth and nail to bring underused cards and elements the respect that they deserve. Armedilgo's noble cause has gone unnoticed for too long. I am here to present the facts, the truth that only the most Legitimate of players can comprehend.
This is the Armedilgo. It can outrush, EM, and obtain a decent win/loss ratio just like any other deck. Can't you see the Armedilgo just seeks equality?
You have heard the truth. The question is, will you accept it?
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55m 55m 55m 55m 55m 55m 55o 55o 55o 55o 55o 55o 561 561 561 561 561 561 562 562 562 562 562 562 568 568 568 568 568 568 8pl
Wins: 6 (1 EM)
Losses: 4

[23:03:17] Higurashi: The virtues of Armedilgo are innumerable.
[23:03:29] Higurashi: He is majestic, protective, strong and compassionate.
[22:04:27] RootRanger: Armedilgo is the strongest card in the game.
[23:08:54] Bhlewos: The RNG wrecks you. Armedilgo wrecks the RNG.