
Offline KuroaitouTopic starter

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  • Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.
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Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390861#msg390861
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:16:22 pm »
Competition: Prophet of Cards
Original Idea by Kuroaitou | Art by Kuroaitou (modified Elements slots)
The "Prophet" will create several card ideas in secret; participants must try their best to use randomized given clues to try to remake those cards as accurately as possible.

Ready for another crazy card design competition?

  • Anyone can join this competition (no sign-ups!), but participants MUST read the following rules carefully.
  • The Competition Organizer will create 3 single non-paired non-Other/"pseudo element" creature card ideas (i.e. - of one version, specifically the non-upped version) in secret unknown to all other participants. These cards will only be known to the CO and possibly the administrator (Scaredgirl).
  • The main objective is to try to replicate those cards; there are three major phases of this competition: Hinting/Questions (both of these parts are the design phase, meaning that when you read this topic, the design phase has already 'begun'!), and Scoring.
    • During the Questioning Phase, all participants may ask ONE set of yes or no questions (3 questions maximum) on this topic regarding the three cards. The CO will personally answer all questions via Personal messages to the participants, and ALL questions (regardless if they are a yes/no question or not) will be answered with a yes or a no. Also note that you will receive 3 points for every question you choose not to ask (up to a bonus of 9), based on the scoring table below.
    • If you ask more than 3 questions, I will only answer the first 3.
      • The following examples below here are examples of CORRECT and ILLEGAL questions to ask. Remember, illegal questions will be still be answered with a yes or a no.
        • CORRECT:
          "Card 1: Is this card from an element that contains 4 or more Creatures?" (Yes)
          "Were any of the cards directly based or inspired off an idea in the Crucible Archive?" (No)
          "Are the hints for the 'STATS' section listed in order of Card 1, Card 2, and Card 3?" (No)
        • ILLEGAL:
          "Card 1: Is this card a creature or a spell?" (Yes)
          "What is the mechanic of the third card?" (No)
          "Can you give me the answers pretty please?" (No)
  • Following the Questioning Phase, the Hinting Phase occurs. A table of scrambled clues (but organized by the category they 'hint' at) will be provided to everyone. The following categories and number of 'hints' (in parenthesis) provided for each category are as follows: NAME (2), ELEMENT (2), COST (1), STATS (1), ABILITY/MECHANICS (2)
  • Participants are NOT ALLOWED to share their answers (from the questions) with anyone! If a person is caught trying to share (or worse, steal) answers/card images from someone else via any means, they will automatically be disqualified for this competition and the following competition.
SUBMIT ALL YOUR CARD IDEAS HERE: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,30749.0.html
  • Most important, once your cards have been submitted, you are NOT allowed to make any changes to them whatsoever. If you edit your post, it will be removed. This is because people who wait to post their card ideas will obviously have an advantage by (possibly) looking at the previous submissions and modifying their 3 cards accordingly. Of course, those who post earlier will get bonus points (See 'Delivery (#post_delivery)'). If you have a typo or want to change your card idea, you must post again (thus, it's important that you try to get it as perfect as you want it on the first posting).

(Note: Imagine that each of the statements has the phrase, "One of these cards..." before it - each hint specifically belongs to a random card, although they are not in order, meaning that each set of hints has one hint for the topic in question. Also, all of the hints are referring to non-upped creatures (EXCEPT FOR THE LAST ONE IN 'STATS').)
Goliath Beetle

  • Has the vowels, A, E, I & O somewhere in its name. {Goliath Beetle}
  • Can have its name cut in half and be a synonym to the word, “broom”. {Mand + Rake --- Rake being the synonym}
  • Ends with the letter “A”. {Tortuga}
  • Comes from an element that has access to at least 4 non-pillar/non-pendulum/non-mark permanents. {Thorn Carapace, Emerald Shield, Druidic Staff, Empathic Bond}
  • Would have to deal with a total of 9 cards (sum of all creatures and non-pillar/pendulum/mark permanents) from its opposite element. {Entropy (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/elements/entropy/) has 2 permanents (Dissipation Shield, Discord) and 7 creatures (Lycanthrope, Maxwell's Demon, Fallen Elf, Purple Nymph, Amethyst Dragon, Abomination, & Schrodinger's Cat) - emphasis on the word OPPOSITE}
  • Comes from an element that can repeatedly produce a very specific creature of its element. {Nymph Queen can repeatedly reproduce herself given a stack of Water Pillars or Pendulums}
  • Has its cost equal to its ATK stat. {6 ATK}
  • Has its cost equal to the number of letters in one of the Competition Organizer’s names. {Kuroaitou = 9 letters. :P}
  • Has its cost equal to the number of letters in its mechanic’s/ability’s name. {Wail = 4 letters}
  • This card’s HP is half of its ATK; its ATK is within 2 points of a creature that is capable of Burrowing. {A Shrieker has the stats, 8|3 - its attack is 2 less than that. Finally, half of 6 is 3, which gives its stats 6|3.}
  • When compared to a creature that requires an off-element cost for its ability, its HP is exactly the same, and its ATK is one less than it. {Firefly Queen requires :life instead of :air for its Firefly-generation ability; FFQ has 3 ATK, but Mandrake only has 2 ATK (one less)}
  • Has the inverted (HP and ATK is swapped) stats of an upgraded dragon. {Ivory Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/cards-death/bone-dragon-ivory-dragon/) (upped form of Bone Dragon) has stats 11|5 - inverting them would put them into 5|11}
  • The name of the ability has the exact same pronunciation as a creature that is commonly (controversially) hunted in Japan. {Wail = Whale (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_whaling#Opposition)}
  • The cost of this ability is of the same element as the most common ability found within the game. {1 :earth is the casting cost of the most common ability, Burrow (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/ability/burrow/) (Devourers, Antlions, and Shrikers have this ability. No other ability is reused 3 or more times on different creatures}
  • The cost of this ability is the same as the element of the card. {Self-explanatory}
  • The mechanic can be detrimental against players that want to immortalize it, but it can also destroy weapons or kill creatures given the right conditions. {Using Quintessence on this creature will cause it to cast Shockwave on the player, thus causing damage. Interestingly, if a player with a frozen weapon casts a spell on this, the 'Shockwave' effect will effectively shatter their weapon. Creatures with low HP (like Bloodsucker) will die from the Shockwave spell.}
  • This mechanic will stop the creature from attacking. However it can provide protection against cards/abilities like Rage Potion, Snipe, and Infection, but it cannot protect against Devour, Paradox, or Reverse Time. {The first three spells cause damage, thus nothing happens to Tortuga when it uses its ability, "Withdraw". However, Paradox, Reverse Time, and Devour remove the Tortuga without damaging it, so those effects still pull through}
  • This mechanic can deal a potential 15 damage towards a certain creature without buffs, but it cannot kill one with exactly 2 HP. {Massive Dragon (http://elementscommunity.org/wiki/cards-gravity/colossal-dragon-massive-dragon/) has 30 HP, meaning that the Goliath Beetle can slice its figurative HP in half to 15. A creature with 2 HP however will only half its HP halved, thus it won't die (it'll only go to 1 HP).}
  • All of the cards are of different elements (remember – NONE OF THEM are ‘Other’!).
  • None of the cards have the letter “X” in their names, ability names, or mechanics’ description.
  • All of the mechanics' descriptions require 3 lines or more using Planplan’s Card Image Builder.
  • Once all the cards have been submitted, the submission topic will be locked and the Prophet's cards will be revealed (alongside tips on how the cards related to clues), and the Scoring Phase will then occur.
  • The Scoring table will be put in a spoiler below; whoever gets the most points win! But if a tie occurs, a vote will be made for the community to decide who was more capable of replicating the Prophets cards.

Scores are non cumulative (i.e. - have the exact Card Name won't net you 7 points), except in the cases of MECHANICS/ABILITY and "Delivery".

Contains part of the
name or is similar
Exact name (first one to post it)
SCORE+0+2+3 (+5)

ELEMENTWrong ElementMatching Element

COSTMore than
3 quanta away
2-3 quanta away1 quanta awayMatching cost

STATS(ATK is off by more
than 4/HP is off by
 more than 4)
ATK is within
3-4 points/HP
 is within 3-4 points
ATK is within
1-2 points/HP
 is within 1-2 points
ATK matches
the card/HP
 matches the card
** = ATK and HP scores are counted separately

Mechanic has nothing
in common
Mechanic has similar
(exact) name
Mechanic has the correct
activation cost (elemental type)
Skill/Ability resembles
(mimics) the Prophet's Card
SCORE++0+1 (+3)+2 (+4)+1-?^ (+10)
+ = It's possible to gain points from each of the sections above
^ = Subjective grading will be explained in this section when necessary

DeliveryPosted all three cards first/in position:Did not ask questions
during the Question Stage
Created VERY similar
art to the Prophet's
SCORE++6 (Posts 1-4)
+4 (Posts 5-9)
+2 (Posts 10-16)
+1 (Posts 17-25)
+0 (Posts 26 or higher)
+9 (0 questions asked)
+6 (1 question asked)
+3 (2 questions asked)
+0 (3 questions asked)
+ = It's possible to gain points from each of the sections above
^ = Subjective grading will be explained in this section when necessary

Q: "Wait, so there's no voting this time around?"
A: "If there's a tie based on the score board, the list of cards will be put up in a poll and voted on."

Q: "No no, I meant WHY is there no voting this time around?"
A: "...several reasons. 1) To test how the community reacts to objective-based competitions where points are all that matters, and not vote count, 2) To discourage card-idea advertisement spam (you can't really advertise your idea, unless you want to be barred from the following competition), and 3) gives me something 'fun' to do in terms of actually hosting a competition. :)"

Q: "How can I know if a question is 'illegal' or not?"
A: "You'll find out if I respond to that question. ;)"

Q: "When I post the card images here, how do I- "
A: "Read the rules carefully. Remember that ALL OF THE CARDS ARE UNUPPED CREATURES. That should be enough of a hint for you already!  :))"

Q: "So I have to resubmit my card if I realized that I made a tiny typo and lose the +6 point bonus from posting third?"
A: "Sadly, yes. This is to prevent people from randomly trying to gain the +6 point bonus by posting (in the submissions topic) a bunch of random and lafirue cards, looking at other ideas that people submit later on, and then modifying their cards to match accordingly."

The Winner shall be announced soon.


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Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390871#msg390871
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 09:19:35 pm »
This should be interesting. :)

Offline Jocko

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Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390896#msg390896
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2011, 09:37:16 pm »
+rep for very original competition.

Offline Kakerlake

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Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390904#msg390904
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2011, 09:47:45 pm »
    "Card 1: Is this card a creature or a spell?" (Yes)
    "Can you give me the answers pretty please?" (No)
These answers shouldn't be Illegal!
You can answer both of them truthfully with "Yes" or "No"... even though it doesn't really help the user in the slightest.

Also, please explain what non-paired means.
I @ no understand this!
Can't decide wheter it means that they don't share an element, name, ability or whatever you can pair cards on.

Offline OldTrees

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  • I was available for questions.
  • Awards: Brawl #2 Winner - Team FireTeam Card Design Winner
Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390916#msg390916
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 10:00:10 pm »
I will be following but not participating the first time.
"It is common sense to listen to the wisdom of the wise. The wise are marked by their readiness to listen to the wisdom of the fool."
"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
Ask the Idea Guru: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,32272.0.htm

Offline KuroaitouTopic starter

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  • Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.
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Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390919#msg390919
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2011, 10:00:55 pm »
These answers shouldn't be Illegal!
You can answer both of them truthfully with "Yes" or "No"... even though it doesn't really help the user in the slightest.
Then try to think of GOOD yes/no questions that -will- help you then Kakerlake. :)

Also, please explain what non-paired means.
I @ no understand this!
It means that all 3 card ideas WILL NOT HAVE AN UPGRADED VERSION. (Read the submissions thread for more details). Non-paired = only the non-upped version of the card idea is considered.

Offline TheManuz

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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeBrawl #2 Winner - Team FireSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeVictor of the 2nd Card Design WarMS Master Painter #5The First Prophet
Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390944#msg390944
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2011, 10:46:23 pm »
So we can already start to make questions here? (please, don't count this as a question!  :P)
This seems hard, but very interesting also!

Offline KuroaitouTopic starter

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  • Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.Kuroaitou is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeMaster of Mafia10th Trials - Master of TimeSlice of Elements 7th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSilver DonorSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner
Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390945#msg390945
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2011, 10:47:36 pm »
So we can already start to make questions here? (please, don't count this as a question!  :P)
This seems hard, but very interesting also!
I won't count it as a question, but yes, you can start asking questions IN THIS TOPIC now.

Answers (about the cards), however, will be sent privately. ;)

Offline Xenocidius

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  • Fear the Darkness ...
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeFavorite Community Member of 2011Weekly Tournament WinnerWinner of Design a Competition Competition
Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390971#msg390971
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2011, 11:33:14 pm »
Were any of the cards inspired by cards in the Forge or Armory (or respective Archives)?
Are any of the cards from :darkness, :aether or :fire?
Do any of the card names contain a 'Q'?
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Offline n00b

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  • Nom.
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Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390972#msg390972
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2011, 11:33:53 pm »
+rep for very original competition.
x2... nice idea, with the right stuffs and peoples, this comp will be fun and stuffs... okay, my commenting is done... to the Batmobile! *grabs and noms cookies on the way*
Gone for awhile now, though I still pop by from time to time.

Offline karis

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  • karis is taking their first peeks out of the Antlion's burrow.karis is taking their first peeks out of the Antlion's burrow.
  • Old to Elements
Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg390996#msg390996
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2011, 12:32:53 am »
you mean   you will answer that question with PM?      and to make sure...  please don't count this question in.  :P

Offline Rutarete

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  • Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Rutarete frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.
  • Creativity should be nurtured.
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeRuby Shard of DeckbuildingSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday Cake
Re: Competition: Prophet of Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=30764.msg391019#msg391019
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2011, 01:40:26 am »
Are the elements for the cards one of these 4 elements: :fire :water :air :earth?
Are the concepts/mechanics based off of magic/fantasy?
Are any of them vanilla?
It is the greatest mystery of all...
Rutarete: Roo tah reh teh
[22:50] <Jyi> meaning gets lost in translation... even in the same language.
My Decks

