
Offline Laxadarap

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Re: Competition : ETG User Cards 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42616.msg536010#msg536010
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2012, 10:49:47 pm »
For the record, Furball did a card for me and coffeeditto.

Mine: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42940.msg535229.html#msg535229
Coffee's: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,42894.0.html

Wasn't sure if contestants were chosen in this thread, or in the submission thread, and this can't hurt to be sure.
My signature is too messy to read >.<

Offline ZephyrPhantomTopic starter

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Re: Competition : ETG User Cards 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42616.msg536218#msg536218
« Reply #61 on: August 24, 2012, 06:50:48 pm »
And time's up. Expect polls soonTM.

Offline ZephyrPhantomTopic starter

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  • ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.ZephyrPhantom is a mythical and divine giver of immortality, one of the Turquoise Nymphs.
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeFlavour Text Revival Competition - WinnerSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday Cake
Re: Competition : ETG User Cards 2 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=42616.msg536264#msg536264
« Reply #62 on: August 24, 2012, 09:13:45 pm »
Voting has begun!

Be sure to vote in the above linked thread. Good luck to all participants!

