A complex of Quests:
Quest 08: A Glimpse of Godhood.
Objective: Defeat a Fake God.
Reward: 1500 electrum coins.
Quest 09: Aid the Oracle
Objective: Sell an upgraded version of the same card that the Oracle told your fortune with.
Reward: More Power! You begin all PVP games vs. other players that have conquered this quest with 2 of each type of Quanta already in your pool.
Quest "10": Oracular Visions
Quests from this point on are given randomly by the Oracle. Each quest is assigned to a particular type of card won, and only has a 10% chance of being offered. Each quest MUST be completed before your next visit to the Oracle, or the reward is not given.If you win a Weapon: Master of Attack.
Objective: Defeat a False God in 12 turns or less.
Reward: Win an upgraded Weapon related to the Mark of the False God you played.
If you win a Shield: Master of DefenseObjective: Defeat a False God with more than 150 HP remaining.
Reward: An upgraded Shard of Divinity or Gratitude (random).
If you win a Dragon: Master of BeastsObjective: Defeat a False God with all 23 creature slots full and at least 5 different types of creature in play.
Reward: Your Pets are always the Dragons relevant to your Mark in PVP matches versus other players that have completed Quest 09.
If you win a Nymph: Master of PurityObjective: Defeat a False God such that it has no creatures or permanents in play at the end of the game.
Reward: An upgraded Nymph of your choice.
If you win an Alchemy card: Master of ChangeObjective: Defeat a False God with no creatures or permanents that match your mark in play.
Reward: Your Metamorphosis cost is reduced to 10 ep.
If you win a Pillar: Master of FoundationsObjective: Defeat a False God with no pillars in play at the end of the game.
Reward: The Mark that you won the game with is permanently improved by one step (to a x2 Mark, then a x3 Mark if the quest is completed a second time. x3 is the max for any given Mark.) This applies only to PVP matches verus players that have completed Quest 09.
If you win a Shard:
Master of DivinityObjective: Defeat a False God with exactly 1 HP and 0 cards remaining.
Reward: Your base HP goes up by 10. This number can never exceed 200, and this change only applies in PVP matches versus players that have completed Quest 09.
If you win any other type of card:
Master of SigilsObjective: Defeat a False God with no creatures or permanents in play that do not match your Mark. Your Mark must match the element of the card won from the Oracle.
Reward: a Mark card (random).
That should provide for lots of interesting high-level PVP play without adversely affecting new players or existing PvE challenge levels too much. It should also keep long-time players around much, much longer.