1. Card Idea Competition
Fill Out Elements!Design a card that is designed to fill out one of the Elements that has fewer cards than it's peers. The card should have definite synergies with at least one card in it's Element, and at least one card in an Element that it's home Element isn't currently commonly used with. (For example, if you design a card for Darkness, it has to plainly synergize with one other Darkness card and also one other element that Darkness is not often used with, like Air or Water.) This thread (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2969.0.html) will be helpful in finding unused synergies.
2. Screenshot Competition
Quanta Crazyness!First person to submit all six of the following screenshots wins (all screenshots must be vs.an AI opponent):
1) You have exactly 13 quanta in each of your quanta pools.
2) You strike the killing blow on your opponent with entirely empty quanta pools.
3) The number of quanta in all your combined pools equals the number of cards left in your deck (must be >1).
4) You and your opponent have the exact same quanta pools.
5) The sum of all of your quanta pools is exactly equal to your current HP.
6) You have quanta pools that can be arranged in numeric order (i.e. 13, 14, 15, etc.)
3. Other Competition
Icon Art!Using only the small element icons, in your submission post, make an Elements-related picture!
but +Karma from me if you recreate a character from 8-bit theater! (http://www.nuklearpower.com/8-bit-theater/)