This is an old screenshot (April, 16th, 2010) showing a different fortune for Photon. I like the relation to physics

I have also some older screenshots of some needed cards. I don´t know, if the fortunes also changed.
Edit: Screenshots were added later, if not another person had added it.

They have taken advantage of you, insulted you, and reduced you to a lifeless nothing - they think. They do not know, what you are capable of -yet.
Voodoo Doll:
Ever had, that pins-and-needles feeling in your legs? How about in your spleen ?
Many of your problems will be like ants below your feet - but watch out for the few, that CAN reach you!
Have you ever wanted to get inside of someone else´s head ? This is your chance - delve deap and learn everything you can.

Ever seen a lobotomized dragon ? Prepare for the worst, expect the best.
first part:
Today, everything just seems to fall into place
second part:
What do you call a cross between a Blue Crawler and a Cockatrice and a Maxwell´s Demon and a Purple Nymph ?