Thread Started
Darkness Elemental Fortune added.
Nightmare added.
Fallen Elf Added.
-Elemental/Type fortunes of all types but Pillars added.
-Most Aether Cards added - Mindgate still needed.
-Air Cards added.
-Other Cards added.
-Water Cards added.
-Most Gravity Cards added - Chimera still needed.
-Elemental/Type Fortunes Complete!
Darkness Fortunes complete!
Death Spoiler added. (Thanks Kuro. ^^;)
Death Fortunes added.
Earth Fortunes mostly added - Iridium Warden still missing.
Holy Light added.
Shockwave was missing from Air, but thanks to the half-broken search function and a little luck I found it.

Entropy cards added.
Fractal Added to Aether.
Most of the Fire Fortunes Added - Phoenix still needed.
Time Fortunes added.
Life cards addded - Forest Scorpion needed.
Light cards added - Sanctuary needed.
Pendulums Added - They are the same as pillars.
Butterfly Effect added.
Pharoah added.
All cards from the original Elements have their fortunes as of version v0.6
The following cards were added : Hope, Mindgate, Chimera, Forest Scorpion, Mummy, Deathstalker,Mindgate
Crusader added.
Soul Catcher added.
Silence added.
Cloak added.
Sanctuary added.
Iridium Warden added.
The following cards were added : Phoenix, Pandemonium, Gargoyle, Voodoo Doll, Catapult, Short Bow
PU Fortune corrected.
Steam Machine added.
Dune Scorpion added.
Gravity Fortune Corrected.
Firefly Queen Added.
Elements Version 1.285 Compiled.V1.31
Miracle is not spinnable. Moved to Special Cases.
Psion's fortune is : "UNDEFINED". Added it to the Special Cases section.
Psion's in the game.... but I have yet to see it in Oracle. I'll update it as soon as someone can give me the fortune.Seraph added.
Pre-1.28 Shards and Malignant cell have a Fortune, but they cannot be spun. Split from the Other section into an "Unspinnable/Special Cases" Section.
Post-1.28 Shards
do not have a fortune.Fortunes List is now officially updated to Elements Version 1.29 / v1.30beta. To reflect this numbering has been changed to match the Elements version it follows.\