Suddenly mass Armagio heals... Or Gargoyle...
Armagio Heal:

+ 4 (3)

+ 2 cards, heals 50 (60) HP.
Gargoyle Heal:

+ 1

+ 4 (3)

+ 2 cards, heals 46 HP.
3 (2)

+ 3 (2)

+ 2 cards, heals 40 HP.
3 (2)

+ 3 (2)

+ 3 (2)

+ 3 cards, heals 60 HP.
The problem with this card is its name. We already have Liquid Shadow for "vampirism". 
Its effect is also too similar to Drain Life... 
LS grants the skill "Vampire". DL is CC while this is burst healing at best.
If any, what name suggestion would you propose?