Auburn Nymph|Earth Nymph
Casting Cost: 8

Attack: 0|0
HP: 3|5
Activation cost:


Effect: The target creature gains +0/+20 but can not attack or use skills for 6 turns.
Suggested Card
Casting Cost: 10

Attack: 4|4
HP: 8|8
Activation cost:


Effect: Turns the target creature into a Petrified Creature. (currently "cannot attack or use skills until Suggested card dies and then hatches to random creature")
I think:
[ - ] 1 Redundancy) This card has major redundancy issues with Earth Nymph
[ - ] 2 Elemental Thematics) This card has no reason to be Life (other than Green skin which is creative license and not part of the myth)
[ + ] 3 Nomenclature Thematics) The name fits the effect (PS Medusa was not a queen)
[ - ] 4 Balance) This card is obviously overpowered (although the upgraded nymph is up slightly)
[ - ] 5 Metagame effect) This card would nerf creature based decks too much and would counter synergistic or buffing decks. I think there are not enough non creature based sources of damage and there is no reason for all decks to carry 48hp of cc.
[ - ] 6 Rider/Vehicle) This version of petrify is too powerful a
rider to be inserted in the activated active creature skill
vehicle. It would fit as a spell much better.
1/6 good first try!