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New card suggestions https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5088.msg50747#msg50747
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:38:45 pm »
Aether Mirror
Permanent, Aether, cost :  3 :aether
You don't draw a card during the start of your turn.
Whenever your opponent draws a card, you draw a card.

Upgraded, cost :  5 :aether

You don't draw a card at the start of your turn.
Whenever your opponent draws a card, you draw a card.
Whenever your opponent's life total or maximum life increases from a healing effect, your life total or maximum life increases by the same amount.

Permanent, Time, Cost : 2  :time
When played, Origin becomes the copy of target permanent.
Upgraded : Origin is immaterial.

New Trends
Spell, Time, Cost : 3 :time
If the opponent has three or more copies of any creature in play, shuffle all but two of them back into his deck.
Upgraded :
If the opponent has two or more copies of any creature in play, shuffle all but one of them back into his deck.

Permanent, cost 5 :light
:light : All of your creatures get +1/+1. You don't draw a card at the start of your next turn.
Upgraded :
Cost 3  :light
:light : All of your creatures get +1/+1. You don't draw a card at the start of your next turn.

The first one is good against rainbow decks (they have both healing and card draw in form of hourglasses), and also good against false gods, especially because they draw two cards per turn.
The second one is time's form of "steal", it doesn't destroy the card on the opponent's side, but your copy will become immaterial instead. It can also be used on your own permanents in case you need multiples of the same for some reason. It has the usual drawback of copy spells : If you don't draw the thing you need to copy, it is useless in your hand, which allows it to have a low cost even though it can copy more expensive stuff if necessary.
The third one is against token generators : if you use it against a horde of skeleton or firefly tokens, the opponent will likely draw many of them back and waste his draws. it also encourages decks that play fewer copies of the same card, and it is great against fractal, and false gods who spam large numbers of the same creature.
The last one is is a card that solves two problems in one : it is Light's answer to decking out, while it also provides buffing for creatures, helping out decks that have large numbers of smaller cretures.
It is a great addition to Hope/Fractal decks. Not only does it solve the problem of decking out, but by buffing your rays, it gives you an alternative source of damage and an answer against firewall/unstable gas/plague.


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Re: New card suggestions https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5088.msg50788#msg50788
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2010, 03:32:44 pm »
not really feeling your mirror or origin.

but man i think prayer would be a great card in combo with ray of lights. or maybe hopefractal decks.


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Re: New card suggestions https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5088.msg50855#msg50855
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2010, 07:05:55 pm »
not really feeling your mirror or origin.
Mirror is mainly an anti-false god card.
It lets you draw as many cards as your opponent, evening out your chances against the gods.
Also getting a free copy of their healing ability when upgraded is a nice bonus because gods tend to abuse healing VERY much. (feral bonds, miracles)
Great for top 50 farming too, because decks with hourglasses, and decks stuffed with healing like shards for elemental masterities is very common there.

I think the risk of decking yourself out is great enough against false gods to balance this card out there.

Origin is a generic, situational card, much like steal. Might come in handy for some situations, might be very powerful in others, and at a few times useless.
If you don't draw enough pillars, or the opponent is destroying them, it can copy one for you. If your opponent gets his pulverizer out first, you can copy, then destroy his. You can also copy other useful cards, like graveyards, feral bonds, bone walls, phase shields, or even an eternity when necessary, and the opponent has it.
It is both weaker and stronger than steal, because it won't get rid of the permanent of your opponent, but can be played to copy your own, giving you an additional, immaterial shard, pillar, hourglass, or anything else you want. The key is the immaterial part, it also acts as a great replacement for protect artifact in Time.

Now that I listed all these uses, I think it might be better for a higher cost, probably 3 :time at least.


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Re: New card suggestions https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5088.msg50881#msg50881
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2010, 08:55:12 pm »
The Prayer is too powerful. It's a Eternity that doesn't make you have a max. of 22 creatures in play, costs less, has a great (really great) sinergy with Hope and buff all of your creatures.
A bit too much isn't it?


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Re: New card suggestions https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5088.msg51118#msg51118
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2010, 11:15:58 am »
It's a Eternity
Not really. Eternity is a powerful card because it can deny your opponent's draw, and waste his quanta by returning expensive creatures. Skipping your own draw, even if it prevents decking out is NOT powerful. You are not drawing cards anymore. It's a disadvantage, which will make you lose for certain if the opponent can deal with whatever you have in hand/on field, because he is still drawing new cards and answers to the situation.
If False gods weren't so insanely overbuffed, having to skip your own draw to prevent decking out wouldn't ever be necessary, let alone be considered powerful.

max. of 22 creatures in play
The limit of 23 creatures is stupid in the first place, this isn't Yu-gi-oh to have a limit of how many creatures you can play.
I think the reason why it is like that is because it would be difficult to code it with unlimited creatures, and of course there isn't enough space on the playing field either to display them.

has a great (really great) sinergy with Hope
As long as each color only has 10 cards, and the opponent is as powerful as a false god, you NEED this level of synergy between cards. With this card you'd have to auto-quit on fewer gods, which is great (Ferox to be more specific because you can't outdamage his healing in time with dragons).

And please don't tell me the deck can already beat all gods because a 10-20% chance for victory isn't worth playing the match, and is still an auto-quit. I've beaten Ferox with the deck, but it's only possible with the perfect draw, and some luck. Good for a challenge, but a waste of time if you fight gods for the money.

Besides, this card won't help against anything that does damage over time, because you can only increase their life by one per turn. So your creatures will still die to fire buckler or plague, it just takes more time, and unless you were able to kill the opponent in that time, you also lost a lot of cards in the process by not drawing them.

Now, from a PVP viewpoint, having an ever growing army of creatures, an indestructable shield that prevents anything, and never decking out does sound a bit too much, but the key there is the "indestructable shield that prevents anything", not the other two.
A deck without creature control is doomed against this deck, regardless of you having Prayer or not, the only way it can win is before you play hope and the rays. A deck with creature control won't really care about the creatures getting +1/+1, it can kill them even that way. It's actually good for him because you won't be drawing cards and he can still kill your creatures.
Hope is the overpowered card in the deck...then again, false gods wouldn't be possible to defeat without overpowered cards.

Anyway, other than the great, but not so overpowered synergy with the hope decks, it would function well in other creature decks, especially life-light, time-light, or light-death, or anything that relies on many small creatures. There are way too many cards that render small creatures useless, most every element has a shield that reduces damage of creatures by 1 or 2, and this card is great against those shields.

