Is it attacks or lands an attack? Those two are different in the way they interact with shields.
Lands an attack. Adrenaline-support might be pushing it though, so I'll have to nerf it.
I don't find the abilities thematical with the elements and it's OP. Quanta drain doesn't fit and 3/5 quanta drain per attack is A LOT. Devourers dominate metas and they only drain 1. Also, one of this ones + Adrenaline is pretty much a total lockout.
1. Gravity drains quanta with Black Hole and Stone Form is activated with
for Gargoyle. Gravity isn't really an element based on quanta draining, but since the Nymph and Black Hole are in Gravity, it shows that Gravity is capable of having cards like that. Meanwhile, thematically, this creature is supposed to be a giant creature that attacks the opponent with so much force that it knocks quanta out of the opponent and then backs up and defends himself from attacks very well. Stone Form seemed to be an appropriate skill since the creature is in Gravity. Having massive amounts of health is a thing for some of the creatures in Gravity and Stone Form just happens to increase health.
2. Understood. Will nerf.
3. Understood. Will nerf.