... Wow. You spent a lot of effort on these, and they turned out quite well; powerful cards and nice set, but not OVERpowered.
Ballistic Golem is perfectly balanced; a watered-down version of Dive.
The new Hematite golem may cause confusion among the newcomers; they would be unsure what "redistribute" implies. I would suggest rewording, but I'm not sure how you could reword it...
Ice Golem is nicely balanced, but a bit complex. I think the Immaterial part is unnecessary and perhaps even overpowered.
Chaos Mech seems to be the weakest of the bunch. I'd simply decrease their casting costs to 4
each simply to avoid underpowering them. But this would basically make Abomination obsolete. Whatever; Abomination is already obsolete.
Twin Golem looks like interesting stuff.
Considering how most of the other aether creatures are insanely expensive, it'll fit right in.
All in all, a great set that I would not mind finding its way into the real game.