Post and artwork updated. Many thanks to everyone for your comments on the art and for voting (the winner was the knight), and especially to EmeraldTiger for providing the fantastic new art (which is the real winner anyway!)
And now back to the bigger question: 3

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Shard of Bravery:However many cards you draw (3, 2, or even 1 if the opponent has a 7-card hand) the opponent will always draw the same amount.
If the opponent's hand is then 8 cards, he will not draw a card on his turn, meaning card advantage +1 to you.
But of course, Shard of Bravery itself is a card, which is an automatic -1.
So, for 2

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you gain a card advantage of exactly 0.
In addition, if your opponent
doesn't have 8 cards after SoB, then he will actually gain card advantage +1 over you.
Of course, we know that SoB is not a fraction as rubbish as I'm making it sound. This is because 1) you always get first shot with the new cads, and 2) you design your deck to afford the rush of draws - which usually means Immo-smashing before he's even got quanta to play his new shinies.
Dark Offering(Note: not rare)
+2 card draw - itself = +1 card advatage
- additional cost 1 creature = +0
However, as with SoB it's not just the number of cards that count but the build of the deck.
You would not use this card in a deck with 12 dragons and no other creatures, unless for some bizarre reason you were especially terrified of being hit by Aflatoxin. No sir-ee-Bob. You will of course only want to sacrifice your least useful creatures.
The sacrificed creature can be a number of losers and sados: 1)
anti (e.g. -10/6 Emerald Dragon)
obsolete (e.g. Rustler with 56

about to die anyway (e.g. 3/1 Firefly Queen with

If used correctly, the card is
+2 card draw - itself - a lame creature = card advantage about 1/2 because the creature wasn't much good to you anymore anyway.
Additionally, it is not only useful to turn your Rustlers into Dragons. Let's say I need a spell card (e.g. Steal). I'll happily lose my Vampire, if I can nab that Owl's Eye which is going to kill him anyway!
That's +0 card advantage, but a chance to pull better things from your deck.
So now that we've established it has some actual value, back to my question: what do you pay for this?
Given the unspectacular nature of the card, and the total cost of not only itself but also (in a sense) the sacrificed creature's cost, I am inclined to think
not much, maybe even 2

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. Yet while saying that, I imagine a chain of Devourers up at the altar, and that seems somewhat dangerous to me.
Thoughts, as usual, would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for actually reading my rant