| |
NAME: | Refraction
| COST: | 2
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Change both the target creature's element and ability cost to a random element.
| NAME: | Refraction
| COST: | 1
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Change both the target creature's element and ability cost to a random element.
ART: | Source A higher res image is currently on-order from source.
| IDEA: | wumbla
| NOTES: | Changes both card element and ability cost to the SAME element. This does include the "normal" element. The new card will obey the effects of Flood, Nightfall, Shard of Freedom, Shard of Readiness, shard of patience, ect. If the card is returned to the owners or opponents hand, it will return to it's default element. If parallel universe is used on the creature, it will maintain it's current element, not randomize again like a mutant creature might. My first card, constructive feedback appreciated
I was thinking entropy for this card, but it seemed too similar to mutation.
I think light needs some sort of creature control that doesn't directly harm the creature.
EDIT (1/15/13):
Lowered cost of both by 1
Changed name and artwork.
Changed wording of the text.