Creature that has Swift.
Creature that Grants Swift as an ability.
Creature with Swift Aura (Grants other creatures Swift in an area).
Creature that grants mass Swift (All Creatures).
Spell that grants Swift to target creature.
Spell that grants swift to all creatures.
Permanent that grants Swift as an ability.
Permanent that grants mass Swift.
Permanent with Swift.
Anything I'm missing?
Yes. But that was a great start.
Here is my tiered version of a partially complete list.
Card Type?Creature
If Creature or Permanent
Does it Have Swift or does it Grant Swift?Have Swift
Grant Swift
If Permanent
What type of permanent?Weapon
If Spell
Does it Teach Swift or Teach the Grant Swift skill?Swift
Grant Swift
If Spell
Single target or Area of Effect?Single Target
Area of Effect
If Area of Effect
What size and shape?Both fields
Your field
Burst 1 (slot and all adjacent slots within 1 slot [max 7 slots])
Valid Spell Targets (select all that are desired)Creatures
Shields (currently no effect)
Pillars/Pendulums/Marks (currently no effect)
Other Permanents
What type of Swift?Normal Swift
Swift Aura (various sizes and shapes of aura)
Mass Swift
If Grant
Valid Targets (select all that are desired)Creatures
Shields (currently no effect)
Pillars/Pendulums/Marks (currently no effect)
Other Permanents
Some of these possible vehicles are sillier than others. (Spell --> Teach Grant Swift --> Area of Effect)