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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg371754#msg371754
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2011, 02:40:56 pm »
Hmmmm, these costs theory are funny :)

Dunno if its accurate, but could reduce initial attack by 1. However, the skill looks much more situational to me than devour (its supposed to be used more in your creatures). I think I will wait some more opinions... anyone? :)

Offline TheManuz

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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg371763#msg371763
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2011, 02:47:52 pm »
Hmmmm, these costs theory are funny :)

Dunno if its accurate, but could reduce initial attack by 1. However, the skill looks much more situational to me than devour (its supposed to be used more in your creatures). I think I will wait some more opinions... anyone? :)
The analisys take in account the percentage of creatures that can be "eaten".
For Devour it depends on the HP of the Oty.
For Cannibalize it depends on the elements. I counted the total of the creatures and the creatures that can be cannibalized (the  :life creatures) and i calculated the percentage, that was little less than 10%.  So it's not much more situational, the percentage is only a little lower than a normal Otyugh.
But i think it's right to have more opinions, the cost theory is not exact, but it's quite right.

Offline MarvaddinTopic starter

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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg371854#msg371854
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2011, 06:29:55 pm »
I think it really is more situational. Otyugh can devour little creatures of all elements, present in most decks, and with cards like Blessing or Armor, can devour almost anything, so its more reliable. Cannibalize is more that type of skill that is devastating vs a enemy type (considering it as CC, not as buff for eating your own creatures), but is useless vs others; also there is no way to "spread" its range. So I think its a -1 quanta when compared to devour, right?

Offline TheManuz

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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg371894#msg371894
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2011, 08:30:52 pm »
I think it really is more situational. Otyugh can devour little creatures of all elements, present in most decks, and with cards like Blessing or Armor, can devour almost anything, so its more reliable. Cannibalize is more that type of skill that is devastating vs a enemy type (considering it as CC, not as buff for eating your own creatures), but is useless vs others; also there is no way to "spread" its range. So I think its a -1 quanta when compared to devour, right?
It's true that there isn't a way to increase the effectiveness of "cannibalize", while Otyugh can grow itself, can get boosts and can eat previously damaged creatures. So less points for the "eating"
But don't forget that the grow ability is really bigger compared to Otyugh. So more points for "growing".
I think that Cannibalize can be considered equal to Devour.
Also, don't forget to count regeneration!

EDIT: Just to be clear, this is only my opinion, and i'm not a card cost specialist. Obviously, it's your creature and you have the last word!

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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg371975#msg371975
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2011, 11:39:35 pm »
it fits more :death than :darkness, and considering how low cost :life creatures are, it shouldnt be difficult to keep this thing fed when a cheap creature with mitosis, or two, is around
moose dont say moo.

Offline MarvaddinTopic starter

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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg372193#msg372193
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2011, 01:39:09 pm »
It's true that there isn't a way to increase the effectiveness of "cannibalize", while Otyugh can grow itself, can get boosts and can eat previously damaged creatures. So less points for the "eating"
But don't forget that the grow ability is really bigger compared to Otyugh. So more points for "growing".
I think that Cannibalize can be considered equal to Devour.
Also, don't forget to count regeneration!
Its based on your theory:
The percentage of creatures that can be cannibalized is a little less than 10%. = 1 quanta. > Correct.
Count also the growth effect, that is bigger than Otyugh growth effect. = 1 quanta. > This is what I think its incorrect, because it gains more attack but dont increase skill efficiency (skill is surely more situational).
Troll regeneration: cannot be targeted, it's free. = 2 quanta. > Correct.
The ability uses another element. = -1 quanta. > Correct.
The total skill value is 2 quanta.

Attack = 4 + Skill = 2 - Element Bonus = 1; Total = 5.

Of course, would like to test, but for now dont see it as OP.

it fits more :death than :darkness, and considering how low cost :life creatures are, it shouldnt be difficult to keep this thing fed when a cheap creature with mitosis, or two, is around
I think it fits  :death and  :darkness as well. I thought it would be more interesting in  :darkness. Surely keep feeding the troll is possible and intended (lol, thats a strange sentence in forum context), although its a vulnerable combo and, I believe, slower than mono life rush. Of course, it could use the protection of some  :darkness cards, like Cloak and Dusk shield to be more effective.

Offline MarvaddinTopic starter

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Re: Cannibal Troll | Cannibal Troll https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=28893.msg373205#msg373205
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2011, 05:36:42 pm »
Anything else to discuss? Or its ready to go into crucible?

